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Communication for deaf-blind people
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The community submitted 5 reviews to tell us what they like about Anne, what Anne can do better, and more.
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5 Reviews
Leonardo Bertinelli

iOS Developer

3 reviews
Anne is incredible, the design manages to blend modern UX best practices and conventions while at the same tame being visually creative. The interface and interactions just works and it's clear that they did a meticulous job of user research with deaf-blind people to achieve this result. I think this app can really make a difference in many people lives and it's seems it's filling a gap for a minority that hasn't been yet served by the latest technological innovations.
Maddalena Zampitelli
Thanks for the review
Andrea Scandurra
⌘ Visual Designer | UX/UI Designer.
1 review
It is amazing how this app can do so much for the deaf-blinds with simplicity and ease of use. This is how you make the world a better place with design!
Alessandro Di Maio
1 review
It's nice to see that anne is appreciated both here and on the app store. I still remember the first tests and the very first beta. A big thank you to my colleagues for making this possible.
Mauro Monti
Electronic Engineer student and iOS Dev
1 review
Amazing product. Simple and ready to use tool for deaf-blind users already used to morse language. Very inspiring work!
Gian Marco Fantini
I'm Gian Marco a 27 ios developer.
1 review