The best alternatives to Bandsintown Concerts are Fly Holly, Cymbal, and Jam Hunt. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed over 10 alternatives below.
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Select your city and Jam Hunt will generate a Spotify playlist of artists that are performing this weekend. Jam Hunt randomly selects 20 artists and picks their top 5 songs. Easy to use and always free.
Find discovering new music hard? Jinx makes it easy It suggests songs based on what you are currently listening to, as well as your existing playlists in Apple Music. It also suggests daily curated playlists and includes a widget for quick access to your music
It's a pain to look up every band coming to your city. Now just follow your favorite venues and genres and get a weekly Spotify playlist of upcoming music. is like channel flipping for live concert videos, made super accessible through curated collections, by searching for any artist, or by linking with Spotify to drop you right into live concerts of all of your favorite artists.
Connect your Spotify and Gigstape will create a playlist based on your listening habits of artists performing in your city this week at shows Jukely can get you into as part of our concert club membership.
Want to stop Spotify Radio from torturing you with the same tracks over and over again? Radionewify generates playlists based on your most recently played song, while avoiding all in your library.