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3 reviews

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What do people think of BonsaiDash?

The community submitted 3 reviews to tell us what they like about BonsaiDash, what BonsaiDash can do better, and more.

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Radhakrishnan Selvaraj
1 review
Helps me incentivize myself for focus. The ability to move unfinished tasks from one day to new day is handy
Ubellah Maria
2 reviews
BonsaiDash stays true to what has been promised by the maker. The UI is very appealing and thoughtfully created.This aids in using the app in a more engaging way of managing our to-do list. I'm sure you will love the minimalistic yet beautiful design and features to stay focused and organised.
Pulkit Chugh
1 review
I've been using this extension since it's early-stage. It's one of the most natural "new tab" you would want in your browser. Minimalist UI with useful feature of to-do & easily customisable appearance.