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Using bookmarks has never been this productive
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What do people think of Bookmarker?

The community submitted 2 reviews to tell us what they like about Bookmarker, what Bookmarker can do better, and more.

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Jerry M Gallegos
14 reviews
I think your product is a great idea! It is definitely something that I would find useful. I like that you were able to overcome the referrer policy issue and still create a popup window feature that allows users to quickly access their bookmarks without leaving the browser tab. I think the future updates you mentioned are also great ideas. Support for importing bookmarks saved in a .html file would be very helpful, as would backup to the cloud and drag-and-drop reordering of bookmarks. Overall, I think you have a great product here and I am excited to see how it develops in the future. Here are some additional feedback that I have: The popup window could be a bit wider to make it easier to read the bookmarks. It would be great if the bookmarks could be sorted alphabetically or by category. A search bar would be helpful for finding specific bookmarks. Jerry M Gallegos Product Engineer Team Create It Search It #useful #product #great #like #bookmarks #feature #future #updates #helpful #cloud #overcome #Support #category #jaygallegos #jerrymgallegos #createitsearchit #I #you #clickontheweb #mysearchfoundit
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