Cactus Diary (Rebranded to Holda)

Cactus Diary (Rebranded to Holda)

Diary App With AES Encryption
2 reviews

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What do people think of Cactus Diary (Rebranded to Holda)?

The community submitted 2 reviews to tell us what they like about Cactus Diary (Rebranded to Holda), what Cactus Diary (Rebranded to Holda) can do better, and more.

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11 reviews
Hey, @arnavzek , congrats on the launch! 🥳 I must say that the app looks great. Love the simple UI and the subtle details. Definitely you've put a lot of work and thought in it. I will give it a chance in the upcoming weeks. One thing I would consider is to make the animations a bit more snappy, but that a minor thing. Also, is there a way to have multiple tags on a journal entry? Good luck 🚀
Kartike Bansal
7 reviews
Congrats on the launch 🎉 I was looking for this exact same product a few days back. I found none and I stopped looking. I would love to use it once it is made available for other platforms too like Android. It would be nice if you can give the option to generate a random encryption key that can be copied. This will make onboarding a little faster.