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The best alternatives to Dualnback.works are Creative Everywhere, Train Fitness, and Math Brain. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
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Best alternatives to Dualnback.works
  • Creative Everywhere is an app to train your creative thinking with short and fun exercises. We built Creative Everywhere to become more innovative at work and imaginative in our daily lives! Research shows that innovative thinkers made creativity a habit: they practiced generating ideas, switching perspectives, and trying new things every day.

  • Automatically track your workout at the gym - hands free! Train Fitness uses the motion of your Apple Watch to track 82+ exercises. Save your history, view stats, and share your workouts with friends!

  • Math Brain - an iOS app to help you upgrade your math skills. Develop concentration, reaction, and speed of your brain by performing daily exercises. Achieve arithmetic abilities in basic operations - multiplication, division, subtraction, and addition.

  • Brain games for job seekers

  • Take your brain to the gym with cognitive games

  • Best tricky game that forces your brain to work when you look at the clock. Solve classic sudoku puzzles, train your brain, and have fun.

  • Brain games on your iPhone

  • Mindful thinking is the new competitive edge

  • Timeless is a first-of-its-kind, simple, easy to use app for Alzheimer’s patients to remember events, stay connected and engaged with friends and family, and to recognize people through artificial intelligence-based facial recognition technology.