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Fire Opal

Fire Opal

Meaningful results from today’s quantum computers
3 reviews

What is Fire Opal?

Fire Opal is the first zero-config software package designed to drastically improve the probability of achieving the correct output from quantum computers, without requiring any knowledge about the underlying hardware.

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5/5 based on 3 reviews


Nina Chan
7 reviews
A really great learning tool. I appreciate that a lot of effort has gone into the visual design and the company seems to care about the learning experience.
Aravind Ratnam
1 review
A much needed algorithm acceleration tool for Quantum programmers.
David Ryan
5 reviews
Q-CTRL are an important part of the quantum computing community, and build a range of much-needed solutions in the near-term era. Fire Opal is a solid move in that direction and quickly becoming a key part of the quantum stack.