GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions

Automate your workflow from idea to production
•25 reviews•29 shoutouts•

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What do people think of GitHub Actions?

The community submitted 25 reviews to tell us what they like about GitHub Actions, what GitHub Actions can do better, and more.

4.9/5All time (25 reviews)
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Lekan Adetunmbi
•1 review
This is the only product I use right now as part of my CI/CD process with Git. It offer me options ranging from running builds, automated tests, building and deploying docker images to different container registries, deploying applications to different platforms. It could be used for a lot more and It has good documentation with an easy learning curve.
Hidayt Rahman
•12 reviews
Modern way to automate anything in the code
Adam Lui
•21 reviews
So powerful at keeping my multiple repos in sync!
Nils K.
•3 reviews
I love GitHub Actions and highly credit them for being cost free for open source projects. I used it for automated testing, compiling and deploying. I also build my static website with GitHub Actions and thanks to GitHub Pages you don't have to worry about hosting.
Edoardo Ceccarelli
•2 reviews
automation with github actions its quite powerful, its at least as powerful as any other ci/cd tool out there but with the bonus of github clarity and fully integrated with git
•11 reviews
Automate CI/CD with GitHub Actions very efficient.
Bret Fisher
•1 review
I use it daily. It's great and allows more work to be done in the GitHub interface/tools. It lacks a central view of status across an org or user's repos.
Christina Walton
•1 review
The documentation is clear and well organized, and I love that there are so many actions to choose from in the market. I have a lot of respect for all who contribute their own actions and look forward to exploring more of them as I continue work on my projects.
Dr. Bogdan Tanygin
•3 reviews
De facto a standard due to seamless integration inside GitHub
Maksym Chernohor
•1 review
Great tool to run autotests right before deployment to make sure it didn't break anything.

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