Every.org helps you discover nonprofits recommended by your friends and community, give to any registered US nonprofit with a few clicks, and create ripple effects by sharing why. Browse causes like every.org/coronavirus and start giving today.
Donate to Puerto Rico is a chrome extension that displays an array of photos ranging from the stunning landscape of Puerto Rico to drone shots of the aftermath of the hurricanes. All revenue earned from this app is donated to charities working towards the rehabilitation of Puerto Rico's residents. Inspired by The Daily Show: bit.ly/2ydGU38
FinTok is an innovative platform that allows you to follow in the footsteps of the world's most successful investors. With FinTok, you can track the portfolios of legends like Warren Buffet and see exactly where the "smart money" is being invested.
A directory of nonprofits that accept cryptocurrency donations. Help people in need around the world, and support the causes you care about. Make a donation in crypto.
Simply play our songs as your relax, focus, workout or go about your daily routine. Everytime you play a song, it supports your favorite charity. Learn how or try it at www.donateabeat.org