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PhantomBuster opens a new era of lead generation.
151 reviews7 shoutouts

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What do people think of PhantomBuster?

The community submitted 151 reviews to tell us what they like about PhantomBuster, what PhantomBuster can do better, and more.

4.8/5All time (151 reviews)
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Jasper Ruijs
13 reviews
I love PB; I put the phantoms to work when I wake up. They have a variety of bots on various platforms, and their customer service is quick. Their community of growth hackers is an enrichment to my network.
Bart Drijver
2 reviews
Great tool, helped us a lot with our sales outreach!
Axel Borry
11 reviews
Best scrapping soft on the market
Lavanya Snigdha
3 reviews
I've used it for 3 years now. An absolute charm at setting up repetitive marketing tasks! Definitely a huge fan!
26 reviews
Phantom Buster is a really cool and useful tool. The fact that you can generate leads from all major networks & websites is great. Plus you can import data seamlessly to any CRM
Amulya Prasad
19 reviews
I've been using phantom burster since last year to extract email IDs. It has helped me in prospecting leads. If an AI can take over this task of reaching out to leads, this would be revolutionary. Congrats on the launch, can't wait to see it
Unknown User
32 reviews
Cool branding! the animated ghost is cool! - Very interesting tool for sure. The sales team is always looking for something effective like this. Will recommend it for sure. I could see new tools like this one on a cheaper tier though. Congrats and all the best!
Nazar Begen
1 review
Awesome and very useful software. The one of its kind for working with Ln
13 reviews
Great tool for creating AI-generated messages, everyone must give it a go, are they via the chat gbt api or have they been generated somehow else? Would love to know more details
lekniD nagroM
1 review
I highly recommend it to anyone looking to save time and streamline their processes. Keep up the great work, PB team!

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