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The safer way for your users to link financial accounts
33 reviews39 shoutouts

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Testimonials from top launches

Michael Pfister
used this to buildCheck Supply
(115 points)
We couldn't have built this without Plaid- who is our provider to securely connect to Bank Account information when sending checks.
Aster Key
Aster Key  Brad Blumberg
used this to buildAster KeyAster Key
(403 points)
1. Consumers can verify their financial accounts. We do something unique when we bring this verified data to the consumer's phones, in addition to end-to-end encryption, we strip out the personal data and encrypt and store it separately on the consumer's mobile phones from their financial data! Data is not stored on servers, not even ours! 2. We also use Plaid to verify identity to combat fraud - however, we don't store or share this data (i.e., your license or passport) with financial institutions other than letting them know we checked identity.
Joshua Moffitt
used this to buildClimatizeClimatize
(644 points)
Plaid makes bank integrations seamless so that setting up your Climatize can be done in minutes in a safe & encrypted way - we make sure that all your credentials are stored behind top notch security.
Scott Judson
used this to buildReimbursableReimbursable
(70 points)
Plaid is an awesome tool and partner that I chose to help mutual customers identify their medical transactions from their credit or checking accounts.
Kevin Xu
used this to buildAfterHourAfterHour
(144 points)
Connecting with brokerages has never been easier with Plaid's Link Kit
Ahmed bouhuolia
used this to buildBigcapitalBigcapital
(86 points)
Building accounting software without syncing bank account transactions would be nightmare for business owners and accountants, Plaid API and its documentation is super slick and detailed.
Jacob Lucas
used this to buildTimmyTimmy
(120 points)
Plaid makes it easy and secure for users to connect their bank to the app.
Kaito Cunningham
We use a combo of Plaid + Astra to enable an instant ACH account funding-like experience for end users.
Richard Yoon
used this to buildLuciLuci
(107 points)
Thanks, Plaid, for helping our users securely connect their accounts. Luci does not store any user transaction data on our server to protect privacy and for increased security!
Michael Nieto
used this to buildEquilityEquility
(50 points)
The best way for us to connect to your online banking information!
Quill - for College
Matt Waymouth
used this to buildQuillQuill - for College
(58 points)
Plaid's open banking features enabled us access to real-time transactions which drives our loyalty rewards program. Their clean UI makes our user onboarding a breeze.