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Tried sending cold emails and failed? Let this robot do it.
13 reviews

What is Salesrobot?

Salesrobot is a sales engagement platform that maximizes cold outreach efforts by allowing you to send automated personalized outreach messages and help you book more sales meetings by running multiple outreach campaigns on LinkedIn and Email.

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4.08/5 based on 13 reviews
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Soumyajit Brahma
2 reviews
Its one the best tools for linkedin automation. helping me a lot
1 review
Why don't you give an option to cancel our account by ourselves? You're an automation software for God sake! Plus the only option to cancle is to ask you by chatbox with a 15 day notice? are we in 2023?
Florent Darrault
2 reviews
A Fall from Grace I am writing this review with a heavy heart and a great deal of disappointment. The Salesrobot software, which once showed promise, has now become a shadow of its former self. Initially, the product functioned as advertised, providing a seamless experience that aided our sales operations significantly. However, the software has since taken a turn for the worse, with frequent malfunctions and a lack of reliability that is both frustrating and counterproductive. To make matters worse, the once commendable support team has also taken a nosedive in terms of effectiveness. There was a time when they were prompt and helpful, but those days seem to be long gone. The support team now appears to be stuck in a loop of empty promises. Every time an issue arises, we are assured that it will be resolved within 24-48 hours or over the weekend. Yet, these assurances never materialize into actual solutions, leaving us in a perpetual state of anticipation and frustration. This lack of follow-through raises serious questions about the state of the technical team. One can't help but wonder if they are still operational or if they have abandoned ship, leaving the support team to make empty promises they cannot keep. In conclusion, the Salesrobot software, has now become a source of frustration and uncertainty. However, I remain hopeful that the company will take these issues to heart and make the necessary improvements. Until significant changes are made, I cannot, in good conscience, recommend this software to anyone. But I am optimistic that Salesrobot can rise from these ashes and reclaim its former glory.
Chiritescu Stefan
29 reviews
Just wanted to tell you i liked the pitch (not sure you used your tool to do this or not, but it worked). This sounds like a great product, and could help a lot of 'Makers' to better understand the selling part. I'm going to get into more details and hope to come back with a more elaborated feedback. But really glad to see this.
Rupansi Arora
1 review
this sounds really interesting. congratulations on the launch. personalised emails are the key to reaching out and having a system to curate them looks fantastic.
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