OpenSourceAlternative.To lets you search and filter 250+ open source alternatives by categories, licenses, languages, stargazers, and date added. All data is updated from GitHub once per day, and everyone can easily submit their favorite alternatives.
Weights & Biases is the leading AI developer platform to train and fine-tune models, manage models from experimentation to production, and track and evaluate GenAI applications powered by LLMs.
Bugout lets creators of APIs, libraries, and CLIs understand: ⠀ - Who their users are - How they use their software - What issues they face ⠀ All while respecting users' privacy. ⠀ If a user is having an issue, Bugout directs them to fixes in real time.
sls-dev-tools improves the Developer-Experience (DX) of building state-of-the-art Serverless applications. This open-source tool enables you to make intelligent decisions while developing and debugging, directly in your terminal.
Here are some of the amazing tools/resources that will make your life a lot more easier save many hours of research! Perks:- ⭐ Save 100+ hours ⭐ Detailed description of every tool + Link ⭐ Life-Time Access Enjoy exploring these tools/resources!
A collection of converters, formaters, encoders, generators and other tools for your Windows desktop. Needs no internet connection to work and currently contains more than 14 tools. Makes me want to go back to Windows
🧰 ValueTools is a collection of important tools frequently used by developers, all bundled together in a sleek windows application. Forget about finding sites where you paste your sensitive information just to do some basic work.
Developer Tool-kit is a set of online developer tools that helps to get the results of various functionality on-the-fly and diagnose. You get productive with faster analysis and diagnosis by using the tools
TextLab is the fastest way to format, prettify, transform, hash, encode, and decode your data instantly! Don't copy/paste your data to random online tools.