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4 reviews

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What do people think of Squads?

The community submitted 4 reviews to tell us what they like about Squads, what Squads can do better, and more.

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Aditya Rout
1 review
This app is sweet! Off to a cool start with huge celebs like Mia Khalifa and Desean Jackson already onboard and you can see the quick growth on any of their squads if you've bought coins in them. Really excited to see what kinds of experiences for fans will be hosted on this app!
Mason Rizzo
1 review
Squads is the best app i have EVER downloaded in the app store. I bought 1 Jack Wright coin and now I can chat with him daily! I then decided to buy 5 of his coins and it unlocked a video call with him. I’ve never talked to someone this famous on a video call but i am SO excited and can not wait!!! I even made a 200% return because I bought his coin so early. I had no idea i could do that lol. Mark my words - Squads is going to blow up.
Walid Al Baki
1 review
Squads is so cool. Very innovative app with top top creators. It really gives fans a chance to build a community with a creator and be involved in its success. Win win for everyone!
Samantha John
1 review

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