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A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
178 reviews30 shoutouts

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What do people think of Sublime?

The community submitted 178 reviews to tell us what they like about Sublime, what Sublime can do better, and more.

4.8/5All time (178 reviews)
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Rajiv Ayyangar
17 reviews
So clean and powerful.
Elio Henry
12 reviews
Fast performance, flexible settings, a wide range of plugins, and support for various programming languages make Sublime the ideal tool for me for creating web applications and websites. Features such as multi-line editing, code autocompletion, and much more significantly enhance productivity and convenience.
Donvoy Omweri
33 reviews
The UI is very polished, this is the first pretty text editor I used. It was my first encounter with a command palette, which greatly increases the productivity when coding. This editor was my daily driver for a good 5 years.
Atul Patare
1 review
Sublime is fast and performant. In my opinion sublime should use same bindings as other editors like Jetbrains and VSCode. I used to work on sublime in my college time. I use Jetbrains and VSCode along with vim at work and jumping to sublime, need me to learn brand new keybinding, some keys were same but shortcuts like go to definition, find usages were not supported directly. Hope they read this and improve that.
5 reviews
Super convenient! Have been using Sublime for 4 years for work and life notes.
Binu Alexander
10 reviews
Simple, powerful, fast - Can open very very late files !
Alex Korneev
10 reviews
I like the interface of the new version much more than the old one. Special thanks for the updated Python plugin APIs and the built-in Russian language support.
Paul Staff
2 reviews
Dead simple and crazy fast text editor that can handle pretty much any file type you throw at it. Also serves as a simple code editor in a pinch.
Adam Lui
21 reviews
The most beautiful code editor, bar none!
Yesme Morales
11 reviews
I have used it and I like to have the notes of my codes.

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