Talent Hero

Talent Hero

Blueprint of talents and character traits
6 reviews

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What do people think of Talent Hero?

The community submitted 6 reviews to tell us what they like about Talent Hero, what Talent Hero can do better, and more.

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Cristian Moisei
52 reviews

Here's an example of what these people are selling:

'Steve Jobs is born on a Yang Fire day, therefore Yang Fire is his Master Element. In this analysis, we will refer to it as ME'

A quick google search for what 'yang fire' is reveals:

The only right way to describe Yang Fire people is as the The Sun and The Sunlight. It’s the only element which is not on the planet Earth and it’s the most important of all, because the The Sun gives us light, energy and wisdom.

Fiona Mcloughlin
1 review

It's a great new way of looking at a personality and it's revealing..I found the descriptions rang true and were easy to follow but I had to check a few points in the chat session. Will most likely digest a but more and come back for the 30mins!

Johny Miric
4 reviews
Clair Kim
1 review

So far so good

Jacob Sander
1 review
Stefan Jäckering
1 review

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