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Simple and effective to-do list and task manager that helps you make schedules, manage time, and organize all aspects of life
170 reviews1 shoutout

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What do people think of TickTick?

The community submitted 170 reviews to tell us what they like about TickTick, what TickTick can do better, and more.

4.7/5All time (170 reviews)
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Syed Riyaz Uddin
5 reviews
I really liked how it catches my text and converts it into a reminder. Saying "Pay tax at 5pm" would create "Pay tax" and set a 5pm remainder. keep it up.
Faizal Hudya Rizfianto
5 reviews
Used this since I was in senior high school and never found any other app that was better than this. What I like the most is the compatibility on every device and the data that we can look on how productive we're in a day, month, and year format. Don't forget the achievement badge too.
2 reviews
Tick tick is an amazing productivity app. I love it's simplicity and the way, their creators have paid attention to small details.
Islam Eltiar
1 review
it helps me organize every piece of my life thanks tick tick
Vahid Mohammadi
4 reviews
Best todo list manager, habit tracker, calendar, etc.
2 reviews
the design is like an 8/10, but works for me, but its crazy that people dont use ticktick more than others, ive tried other to-dos but ticktick is so far the BEST. with habit tracker, pomorodo, and a mini calendar. its amazing
Julian Hochgesang
11 reviews
I have been using it for almost a year and can no longer do without it. The simplicity, speed and stability of TickTick is simply brilliant and will be very difficult to replace. I am absolutely thrilled!
William Deneault-Rouillard
3 reviews
Amazing cross-platform productivity tool. Should work on customer service but the API integration is amazing also.
مصعب المغيربي
1 review
ممتااز @:𔘓🇺🇸⃤༒』مـو ولـد ضـيم:سأصنــــــــــع لكـــــم نهايــــة جميــــلة ثـــــم سأرحـــــل هذا وعـــــد منـــــــي . . . 🖤🥀
Zizheng Tai
2 reviews
After trying a bunch of other todo apps, including Wunderlist, Todoist, ..., I settled with TickTick for its balanced approach to simplicity and flexibility.

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