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Uber without Internet

Uber without Internet

Order Uber when you have no internet
•8 reviews•

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What do people think of Uber without Internet?

The community submitted 8 reviews to tell us what they like about Uber without Internet, what Uber without Internet can do better, and more.

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Kk Variety
•1 review
I was without phone or wifi it woul show location and where to but it kept saying no rides in the area total bologna For 2 hours this is what the results were
Matthieu de Luze
•8 reviews
I love the idea 👊 Actually I found it quite absurd that a large majority of apps don't think about these kind of features upfront. Even if places/countries without great Internet accesses are not your core market, when making a Mobile App you should always include SMS somewhere in the UX.
Britain Green
•1 review
Great idea, poor execution. I think the app serves a great purpose for when you can't connect to internet. Been there done that. My thoughts, I poked around on the app and when I tapped the button to start the process to order an Uber, there was no way to get back or cancel the drive. The only options were to message or call the driver. I have an iPhone and was using a friends Android. When I tried to message or call the driver to cancel the order, it would not connect me because my account did not match my friend phone number. This might be due to the Uber API but a cancel button is necessary. Again, it's a great idea and would love to try this app after it's more polished. I would recommend setting up a way for users to test the app and give feedback before publishing. Best wishes and good luck!
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
•46 reviews
YES (and include a build for lyft pls)
exex zian
•16 reviews
really very useful for cases of no internet or weak internet connectivity. however are source and destination works accurately ?
Daniel Moreira
•2 reviews
Amazing idea! Uber will probably hire you now to help implementing in the real app
Kelly Dern
•1 review
Huseyn Alkaramov
•1 review

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