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Open Source Modern email for teams and professionals
4 reviews

What is UnInbox?

A standalone email system that flips current experiences on their heads. Chat first approach with native collaboration. And soon powerful automations and integrations

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5/5 based on 4 reviews
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3 reviews
UnInbox is hands down the coolest OSS mail approach of this century. Let's be real, email has been a snoozefest for ages! It was high time someone spiced things up, and UnInbox did just that. Say goodbye to yawn-inducing emails and hello to a breath of fresh air in your inbox! 🚀💌
Sam Lambert
1 review
Incredibly easy to use and reliable
1 review
It's time for better emails
Rohit Saini
1 review
The UI is the best part of UnInbox. Sending email the modern way.