Public Market is restoring the Commercial Commons by building an open, transparent, and competitive architecture for marketplace eCommerce by leveraging blockchain technology to replace these closed, private, rent-extracting intermediaries with an open architecture and protocol for eCommerce.
Managed cloud hosting platform that empowers your business by facilitating choice, simplicity and performance. All this is backed by caring expert support.
Conversio is an all-in-one marketing dashboard for Ecommerce stores. The dashboard includes a suite of tools for email marketing and widgets for on-site conversion optimisation. Integrated with Shopify, WooCommerce & Bigcommerce.
TargetBay eCommerce personalization tool performs customer behavioral analysis and targets shoppers with the use of intelligent tools. Now, eCommerce store owners' can easily segment their database and send targeted message for improved ROI. TargetBay reviews and rating help collect customer reviews through innovative features.