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Michael Flux
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Would subscribe, sure.
I am creating Newsletter for Designers. Is this worth it?
Rahul Santra
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Michael Flux
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Plenty more networking. Far more important who you know than what you know.
You look around and people with fractions of the capabilities are landing incredibly lucrative positions and producing sub mediocre results yet keep failing up, for no reason other than being on a close friends basis with influential people in a given network.
I don't say that in any bitter or jealous way - but...
If you could start your career over, what would you do differently?
Danny Kouba
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Michael Flux
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I don't agree that resumes will be replaced by videos. If anything, it's even more difficult to judge a candidate based on a video. Some people are amazing performers, but are very awkward on camera. Meanwhile some people are incredibly charismatic, but have zero substance beyond an absolute surface level.
Where I think resumes will go over the next couple years, is using various ai tools...
Do you think resumes are going to end?
Ahmed Janim
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Michael Flux
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So while North Star metrics are definitely crucial, one thing I keep seeing over the years is not just startups, but even large companies misidentifying their north stars - be it from pushing some internal pet project at the expense of all else, or by being influenced by some random blog post they saw last week.
Let me give you an example - around mid 00s when social networks started getting...
Why is it crucial for SaaS products to identify their North Star Metric?
affan ahamed
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Michael Flux
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While I think it's a nice extra, after the sale, it's nothing that I have ever based my decision on re whether to use a product or not.
With that said, I'm not everyone, and generally it is a very good sales tactic that works great. I would look for credits for tools/platforms that either directly or indirectly support your own product so that using those tools, makes it more likely that the...
Do you use perks for startups for tech products and tools?
Nelli Orlova
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Michael Flux
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At home, but still best to dress in the morning. No need for suits, but still helps set the mood when you change in something less casual.
Where do you do your best work?
Carla Kargaard
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Michael Flux
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I don't think it's necessarily an issue of lack of tools or those users have any specific use case.
Fundamentally the "issue" with any PM tools is the users themselves. A competent user will be able to make a notepad work, meanwhile you can give the best of the best tools to someone else and they'll squander it.
You can of course build a new tool, but what problems are you actually solving...
Why there are no project management tools for...
Jerryton Surya
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Michael Flux
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You doing that feedback through beeps?
Offering free UX/UI testing for products
Farid Sukurov
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Michael Flux
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Never do. Reckon if you manage to reach all your goals, they weren't high enough in the first place. ๐
Did you achieve your goal this year?
Ankit Sharma
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Michael Flux
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For the first time in the last half decade, it looks like it has a future.
For the first time in years, I'm actually seeing people joking, having a good time and not taking everything so seriously. I've also been seeing far less spam than before.
The handful of advertisers which "left" will get over it and will be back within a few weeks. Ultimately they have no morals or principles of any...
Thoughts on Twitter?
Alessandra Mikail
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Michael Flux
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Ok I'll bite. In good faith, am asking, what do you mean when you say "disinformation" as you're making it the core selling point of this thing.
1. What do you define as disinformation
2. Who is determining what is disinformation
3. How are people penalised for publishing disinformation
The reason I'm asking these 3 questions is for these reasons;
1. Right or left, the definition of what...
New Competitor Twitter App
Michael L
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Michael Flux
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Well what do you mean when you say "bad example"?
Is the implication that the example being set that the 90% of the employees weren't crucial in the first place which then allows other big companies to justify mass layoffs?
I don't think most sane people would argue that majority of the big tech companies aren't incredibly bloated and that they wouldn't capable of moving far faster without...
Is Twitter (Elon Musk) setting a bad example?

Michael Flux
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Fundamentally the issue is even bigger than "bots". Like it doesn't matter if a bot is posting something, or if it's a sweatshop of 400 people in Bangladesh who are pasting the same few comments over and over.
The bigger issue at that is what the "bots" are used for - which is, at best, scams. But at worst and closer to reality, majority are used for manipulation of public opinion for...
Are they all that bad?
Chetan Natesh
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Michael Flux
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It absolutely is. It's over in the exact same way it was over in the late 90s when thousands .com businesses went belly up. In the same way that Blockbuster was the end of all video rental innovation, and IBM did everything that anyone could ever want from computers.
As far as lack of innovation in the current market, the root of the problem is that a small handful of bloated conglomerates...
Are the tech boom times over?
Rupert Denton
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Michael Flux
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Desktops apps, IF they are actually built for the desktop using the native frameworks.
If it's an electron app, why even bother, juts open up the website which will consume less system resources.
Do you prefer your tools as desktop apps or as web apps?
Laurentiu Ciobanu
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Michael Flux
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So while I typically don't discourage any alternatives, and I'm not doing it now, you have to be honest with yourself in recognising where this 'twitter is failing' narrative is coming from.
It's not coming from the 90% of the users. It's coming from the <2% of hyper partisans and their affiliated media. It's coming from companies which are being held hostage by activists (pull your...
Who is interested in building a Twitter alternative?
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Michael Flux
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Lodge 10.25" cast iron skillet. Barely $20, great quality. Have been using it daily for multiple years (along with an another dozen cast iron things) and I'll probably be using it 20 years from now considering it's pretty much indestructible short of being thrown into a volcano.
Prior to this kept using the typical teflon etc nonstick pans for years which cost more, always got ruined within a...
What is your best purchase under $100?
Cagri Sarigoz
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Michael Flux
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Whatโs the high level concept/use case? Hard to advise on such a vague description.
How to test an IOT-enabled smart-kitchen concept without building the product?
Jai Thakur
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Michael Flux
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Both Ledger and Trezor are solid options. More people like Ledger as its a bit more user friendly for beginners, but really can't go wrong with either one.
Not to state the obvious but if you buy either one, buy it brand new and directly from the official stores, not used from eBay. ๐
Best cold wallet for a newcomer - what's your recommendation?
Xenia Volnistaya
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