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Vahid Taslimi
left a comment
Congratulations! This is really useful for a lot of users.
Compare workflow automations tools and SaaS automations

Vahid Taslimi
left a comment
Thanks @matin_shoghi and the team for making this happen. Very excited to bring this to life through product hunt. I am specially looking forward to hearing the community's feedback.

Zenphi IDP
Intelligent automation for your documents

With Zenphi IDP (Intelligent Document Processing), you can unlock key information from pdf or scanned documents with just a few drag and drops and use the extracted information seamlessly as part of your process automation.

Zenphi IDP
Intelligent automation for your documents

Vahid Taslimi
left a comment
This is pretty cool. Well done to the team!

Sortd for Gmail
Trello for Gmail - Transform your email into organized lists