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Ben Kurland

BillFixers 2.0 - You overpay for your bills, let's fix that

Dealing with your bills sucks. We negotiate on your behalf to save you money, time, and stress. Then, we automatically track price increases, discount expirations, and limited-time promotions to keep you at the lowest rate—always.

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John Templeton
Super basic question Ben. I’m always scared to try an app like yours in case let’s say you lower my insurance rate, but then change all my coverages. Does this ever happen?
Ben Kurland
@john_templeton Definitely a good question! And smart to worry about. Our basic guiding policy is that we're negotiating a lower rate for the exact same service. So, if you have 200Mbps internet for $70 a month, we're aiming to get you 200Mbps internet for $40 a month, not 50Mbps internet. Ditto for something like a cell plan--we're not trying to get you on a throttled plan or a lower data plan just because it'll save you money. We're negotiating a lower rate on whatever plan you already have. If we ever find something where we think there might be a valuable trade-off, then we always get explicit consent on a specific offer. So for example, if we find an offer that will lower the rate but involves a contract, we'll send it to you and get your OK before ever agreeing to it. For insurance specifically, we don't negotiate it. Technically, you can't actually negotiate insurance by law. The only two ways to lower an insurance bill with the same provider are either via specific qualified discounts, like driving record, military service, etc. or via coverage changes. Since neither of those are actually negotiating, we don't do anything on it. So, you definitely don't have to worry about us messing up your insurance coverage since we never deal with it in the first place. I hope that helps answer, but feel free to let me know if it doesn't get to the heart of it or if you have anything else you're curious about!
Aveedibya Dey
Amazing product backed by amazing team and wonderful customer service. Customers love them because they save them money, and businesses love them because, well, they save their customers money. It has been incredible to partner with Ben and his team.
Ben Kurland
Thanks @aveedibya! It's been awesome working with you. And thanks always for the support. For anybody reading this, if you haven't yet, you should check out Neon!
Nancy Chung
For someone like me, your app would come in so handy. Bills bore me and I always end up paying more. Curious to explore your app, loved the concept!
Laur Science
Seems awesome. I just signed up and hoping to save some money on my internet bill. Can you give some more context on the API? How does that work? What kind of companies do you work with?
Ben Kurland
@laur_science Thanks for signing up! So, the basic idea behind the API is that you can add bill negotiation as a feature for your product. Whether that's a PFM app, a bank, an HR benefits platform, whatever--you can save people money natively in your product. The API itself is pretty cool technically, and super well documented and easy to use thanks to our CTO @elliott_roche2. Overview is that it's a GraphQL API plus js and ruby libraries. You can use it to estimate savings for bills based on transaction data and then we'll negotiate the bill on their behalf and send the info of what's happening. Along the way, you'll get updates on anything via webhooks. Here's some more info about our partnership product: but you can also email me directly at ben @
Ben Kurland
We first got hunted 7 years ago when BillFixers was just me, my brother, and a Google Sheet. Since then, we've built a platform, added features we used to only dream about, and grown a super talented team. Plus, we just launched a new website. So, it felt like time to re-debut. We've also grown a really cool API and partnership program working with other Fintechs as well as banks and other organizations. Feel free to reach out if that seems like a potential opportunity. We're incredibly grateful to this community for being some of our earliest guinea pigs and supporters. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions about the new BillFixers!
Orville Black
I love the simplicity of the product. Taking something that’s super complex to create a friendly user experience.
Amber Sean
Woaah super practical and this looks super promising, all the best & congrats on the launch!