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Andrew Ettinger

Colorize - Turns any word or phrase into a hex color

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Ben Tossell
My name is an ugly colour :(
Simon Bromberg
Great idea, but taking the average of 25 images pretty much guarantees you'll get a bad result for anything other than very straightforward color searches. Should try some more sophisticated measures of central tendency. Also many images have a white (other other color) background which throws off your result a lot. e.g. "blood" gets you a weird pink hue, "daisy" gets you a greenish blue...
Lasse R
Nice idea! Love it :-)
Chris Church
I've been waiting for something like this for a long time!
Laef 🐢🐱
Wow, this is pretty cool. What would be great is if it showed you some of the images as well, and perhaps listed some of the other common colours. I think it would be better if, instead of averaging, it found the most common colours, averaging shades of a particular colour into the most common for each. For example, a search for my school, "Inquiry Hub," would return very particular shades of green and orange, our new colours. Searching for Canada would return red and white.
Dwayne Charrington
Does not work very well. Every value I tried got a weird shade of brown it seems.