@josh_khoury Thanks Josh! We've have a lot of updates we're planning on rolling out. We'll be doing add some more robust features on customer lists and comparing data to form better Design Insights. We're also pushing an update soon to our Enroll user base to help better hone in on target audiences.
@gnownad Helio is designed to evoke Design Insights; insights that reveal behavior patterns that help you drive bold decisions. Helio has all the requisite test types, and allows you to drill deeply into the data you collect, but those are just superficial aspects. The real power is in how easy it is to transform simple observations into actionable insights. Throughout our almost 20 years of doing product design, we’ve observed time and again those pivotal moments when a project went from “Ahhhh!” to “Aha!”. Get to “Aha!” faster, earlier, and more often!
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