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Ameya SK

Earmarked - A minimalist approach to sticking to your budget.


Earmarked is a personal finance app where you can create custom collections (eg. weeks, months, quarters, trips, or just about anything you like) and allocate a budget to them. A constant reminder of your balance helps you spend where its essential.

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Ameya SK
Hi there producthunters! Built a new app because I personally was looking for a product like this. While other "wallet" apps were more powerful, they were either more tax-centric or needed a lot of personal data. Earmarked helps you keep track of your budget to see where, when and how your money is spent. A constant reminder of your balance (for each collection) helps you prioritize your next expenses. Imagine being on a trip(definitely not any time soon) and not getting back home to a shock of having gone over your stipulated budget. No signups required. Your data is saved in your iCloud account to sync between multiple devices simultaneously or if you upgrade to the latest and greatest. At Earmarked, we believe privacy is too high a price to pay for convenience / automation. Hope y'all check it out and find it useful. Cheers