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Lacey Althouse

Fastmail - A privacy focused email client


Internet companies use your data as a way to get rich. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Fastmail is email, calendars, and contacts that give you privacy and control. You get a private, full-featured email experience and reliable customer support.

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Steve de Jong
Can you truly love an email provider? Yes, with Fastmail you can! Their quality of service is simply amazing and I'm saying that with ~10 years experience. I love the fact that I can link multiple domains to my account and even define unlimited (wildcard) aliases. With their friendly pricing, no one should be using Gmail if you have any sense of privacy. Great work, @hhorstall 🙌
Helen Horstmann-Allen
@stevedejo Thank you so much, Steve! ❤️
Charles Magnuson
Fastmail is a funny service. I've been using them as my primary email provider for well over 10 years. During this time, I've come to love many of the features built for the email-side of Fastmail. However, Fastmail's two other features, calendar and contacts, are miserably designed. The calendar is clunky, obtuse, and difficult to use. It reminds me of one of Microsofts terrible calendaring programs, except worse. Contacts is not quite as bad as the calendar, but it's still bad. Simple actions such as merging contacts or clearly separating business and personal contacts are not possible. Anyways, if you want a very solid email provider, Fastmail is great. If you're hoping to use their calendar or contacts features, I suggest looking elsewhere.
Andrew Phillips
I've been using Fastmail since around 2003, almost since its beginning. While other may have more features, the option to have a unique email address for each and every company I do business with has been invaluable. The emails I give out are in this format: {company}.{folder}@{alias} When (not if) companies get hacked (or sell my email address), all they have is the unique email I provided them, so I know exactly who they are and can block them. There are plenty of other reasons I've been loyal to Fastmail, but easy, unique and unlimited aliases has saved me from much grief.