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Ross Moody

Fomo Cryptocurrency Calculator - Calculate your regret for not investing in crypto sooner


A fun little web app to calculate your the precise amount of regret you should feel for not investing in Bitcoin when it was $.0007 in 2009!

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Ross Moody
Howdy y'all. Been working on this fun little app the past couple months and thought it was time to share it out into the world during this crazy crypto bull market.
Alejandro Cantarero
UI is nice, but plugging in any actual numbers just makes me sad :(. Should have invested more!
Benoit Chambon
Very smart idea! We also built a little "crypto data monster", Koinju ;)
This is much needed at the time
Pete Miller
Looks and works very nice. After playing with it for a minute I went and bought some DOGE 😭