@rvelitskiy I agree, that's a fair point. some tech products are difficult to visualize and sometimes it doesn't make sense, but I still think it's a lot about emotions and how your products make someone or someone's life better. I'd say depends on audience + product, putting audience 1st :)
@tanya_volkova I'd say it depends on the product type, e.g. graphic creatives work best for food and clothes, whereas text is extremely effective for tech.
@bidkaromaniuk It is very hard. But in my experience, conceptual ads are hard to understand. Which leads to lower CTR and unqualified traffic. To attract potential customers to your website you need to make it clear what you sell. The best way to do that is to show the product. Again, when possible.
I agree with @tanya_volkova ! I think what is also really important is the content of the graphics :). I found it pretty painful to find the right content that should appear in an animations 😔
I'm also in agreement with some of the people here: visual is pretty effective since people get to see your product in action. I've noticed this as I post development updates and marketing imagery for Unscripted; the posts with images tend to get more traction.
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