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I made 30 "apps" in 30 days. Here are the results 📊


App 22: SideNotion - #1 Product of the day App 18: MyCauses - Featured App 17: Mindful Buy - Featured App 16: Mindful Tab - Featured What's next? I will be build and release 4 full-blown apps in the next 24 days. (4 in 24 days) 1. SideNotion 2. MindfulTab 3. MindfulBuy 4. MyCauses Why I did this? Reflections and data analysis

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Barada Sahu
Are these apps monetized or do you primarily focus on engagement & launching?
I read both of your blogs: and Since your criteria of filtering out the successful apps were through Product Hunt launch -> No-code app -> Full-fledged app. Do you think that SideNotion will be the one that will turn into a fully-fledged app? Or will some other app out of the three left, make it to a fully-fledged app?
Alina Ihnatiuk
Amazing work!
Ira GI
great job, congratulations!
Iris Park
Quantity over Quality. I think that's really interesting. Good luck :)
Zainab Osazin
Incredible - Great work.
Amazing work - well done, great to read through the results!
Atul Ghorpade
Awesome work.
Donia Ahmed
keep going and best of luck!
Andrii Kpyto
Impressive temp!
Daniel Po
This is absolutely astounding. Have you had any time in advance per app, prior to launching each one? Honestly this could be translated to almost any new idea / business - trial & error. Super interesting!
Bertha Kgokong
I do agree with your philosophy in a way, how do you know what clients want. Even when you interview a couple of clients, you realise - different people want different things. So my approach was, instead of 30 apps in 30 days, build one app with 30 features. Swiss-army of apps in one, you have to be smart about how you integrate everything - but if you do it well - people will go for it. Completely disrupt the idea of micro-saas with major-saas, but a lightweight major-saas that feels like micro-saas. The key is not to make the app feel bulky, but allow the users to use the features that they need.
Gabriele Sangrigoli
Youtube challenges got to a whole new level
Jose Eduardo Saura
Did you have all these ideas already develop / thought a minimum at least?
Olivia Bridges
I think instead of being so aggressive to make apps, you should focus more on marketing the products. This will help you to raise revenue for your next startup.
Farhan Kabir
Wow man! That's incredible...
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
cristy stimence
Impress, nice work
Dafni Chontou
Wow! Such a great way to explore your interests and learn no-code, shipping products really fast. Good luck with the next stage of the project. Happy to beta test and share any feedback.
Tjerk Wolterink
Nice! Do you plan on focussing on one of them, to really build it out and scale it?