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Umar | SaaS Guy

SocialBu 2.0 hit #1 on ProductHunt! Some tips👇

- Community engagement is everything, engage early - Early AM post - Social media buzz helped. Shoutouts to all supporters! - We kept posting launch updates. Transparency wins trust & drive more support - Our visuals stood out. Attractive and inviting - Behind the scenes? A ton of chai & gossips Team effort paid off :) We are competing for product of the month:

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Congratulations and thanks for sharing the tips!
Brady Dowling
Visuals do like nice, what did you use to create them?
Umar | SaaS Guy
@bradydowling I think our designer is in love with Figma so he used that. However, all the creatives follow brand guidelines.
Very helpful tips! Thanks!
congratulations Thank you for sharing tips can we consider this also: - finding places where our target customer group spend their time - creating good impression of our product before launching it - creating short links to make it easy for sharing Thank you.
Felix Scholz
Thank your for sharing the tips, Umar! We are currently live and we have a very similar list to yours! So I totally agree with your points 🙌 Here is our ongoing launch: ☺️