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What challenges are you currently facing with your startup / entrepreneurship?


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I appreciate your feedback to
Jose Garrido
@renau I thinknyour Hero needs some restructuring. Headline should have more prominent font, subline is for support and the quote after that looks like the most importat thing in that section currently
@josej30 What you mean my Hero? Top of website?
Jose Garrido
@renau Yes. If you look at it on mobile, you lose your main headline "Starty, your entreprenurial ally" and the rest of what's shown doesn't sell your product very well. On non-mobile devices I think that headline should be the very first thing on your landing page, not the fourth element. Start with that and see how the new layout looks. I bet it's going to be much better
I'd say bringing in new users.. My app is a social media which focuses on Art, Aesthetics, Music and all types of creative content.. Although there are some nice features on the App.. Users still need to know and try it first before becoming active.. So I'd say.. Convincing users of using the App is what's challenging now.. But anything can be overcome with the right mindset. Also, I'm launching tomorrow here on PH.. If you would like to support uthupia you can click on "Launching soon" button next to my username ☝️ and get notified. Or if you want to try the App yourself it's already published on the App Store and Play Store.. You can try it and let me know what you think of the Music feature.. IS it easy or confusing?
@uthupia_admin I would say more than convincing the users, that they understand, that they are aware of what their problem is and that You (your app) is the best to solve that problem. Nobody wants to be convinced, users want to buy solutions. Have you worked from this perspective? Let the users in and let them tell you what to improve, what they like and what they don't. I will support you!
@renau Great insight. Now I can look at it differently like you've said.. Noted ✍️. Also.. my product is launched now.. check for "Uthupia - Home of aesthetics". Thank you for replying.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
Motivating co-founders to do their best.
Mohammed Kheezar Hayat
We have a great product and awesome retention, but are struggling to adequately fill the 'top of the marketing funnel'. Hopefully PH will change that :)
@zaryat Whats your product about? Whats your top funnel stage?
Mohammed Kheezar Hayat
@renau Well funny you ask that, we are launching today, give it a go (you should see it from my profile)
@zaryat Are your tried paid traffic?
Jose Garrido
Generating leads and new signups.
@josej30 What is your product about? What strategies are you currently implementing? Do you work paid traffic? Could this be related to having more investment or are you investing but it is not working and you are not converting leads?