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Edward G

With a lot of people leaving Twitter, what other channels have you found useful?

Twitter met a certain niche in the social media/community building space. Due to recent events a lot of people and companies have moved away from it. I’d love to hear what other channels have filled that niche for folks?

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Philip Snyder
I haven't really observed that many people leaving twitter? Regardless, I like Reddit & Hacker News
Krishna Kumar
Lot of people leaving twitter? I don't think so. I saw a lot of people threatening to leave. But I see all of them still tweeting furiously!
Deniz Sutaş
One of the main reasons I use Twitter is to follow news. As you might know Mastodon is a popular alternative, which especially got under the spotlight after the recent changes in Twitter. I observed some of the news outlets I follow setting up Mastodon pages too.