Ben Lang

HUMANS - Discover jobs in web3 and get paid for recommending a friend


Get paid for knowing the right people
HUMANS is a network-to-earn platform. We match top web3 companies with talents.
❉ Discover web3 jobs
❉ Scan your network for a perfect candidate
❉ Recommend your friend for a job
❉ Get a reward after they are hired

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Anton Fateev
gm, Product Hunters 👋 Anton from HUMANS is on the mic here to introduce you to the product and explain why it will work. First of all, huge thanks to @benln for hunting us. Your interest in our product is priceless, and we are so excited to be here 🤟 My career path has always been linked to HR tech. My team and I have already launched three successful products in the field, and they continue to thrive. As someone fascinated with tech, I always wanted to try and do something in web3. When we started the research phase, we quickly realized how extreme the talent shortage in the industry is. We guessed so initially but had no idea how severe it was. That's why we decided to answer the talent shortage question with networking. We've done it before 😉 HUMANS team itself is a baby of networking. Sure, we tried to post openings on job boards, but we are no-names (for now), so we got almost no response. Web3, in general, isn’t the most welcoming environment for job-seekers. Companies don’t always know how to describe themselves and what benefits to offer. Job seekers, in turn, are not used to wandering through notion pages and messy job descriptions, so they stop trying. We want to gather the best networkers and guide them through the yet-messy Web3 career jungle. We followed recruiting agencies' paths and found lots of problems. The biggest one is they rarely know what web3 is and what it requires. They stalk candidates and then offer them completely irrelevant positions. That has to annoy, but pros from our networking platform, whom we call handshakers, know for a fact what you need, because they know the candidates personally. We attract top web3 employers to post job openings on their branded companies' pages, put a reward for handshakers, and let them scan their network for a perfect fit. I have a feeling that even here, on PH, everyone knows someone perfect to recommend to an employer. So check out our website, there are already jobs with a $100k+ reward budget, and it can be yours. What do you think about HUMANS? I'd love to hear your intake 👂 Thanks for your attention, and let's keep in touch. P.S. and yes we are going to tokenize recommendation in a few months P.P.S. and yes we are building our own HRtech&Edutech Metaverse for an even greater discovery of careers in Web3😉
Al Khan
@benln @anton_fateev This looks promising! It's definitely going to come in handy to the dev community. Looking forward to trying it out. Kudos to the HUMANS team!
Fedor Tormosov
@alcaan Thank you so much for your feedback!
Paul Mit
Congrats on the launch, guys! The project looks promising and really useful for the product and dev community. Everyone loves recommendations :) how do you plan to develop further?
Anton Astafurov
@mituhin thanks! Yeah, we're rapidly developing our closed community of Handhakers on Discord. Plus, we are considering organizing networking events. The most exciting, though, is our Metaverse. It's still in development, but we've already had several team meetings. It was awesome.
Anton Astafurov
@mituhin haha sure, which type of virtual swag merch do you like? :)
Denis Bolshakov
Wish you all the best 💜 Enjoyed browsing your website. Any chance I can get paid for recommendations in crypto?
Anton Astafurov
@denis_bolshakov thank you so much. The company names the price and the currency and often uses cryptocurrencies. So yes! You definitely can.
Fedor Tormosov
@denis_bolshakov @astafurov we are trying to provide any type of payment — in stablecoins and in hard currencies
Danil Khasanshin
Congratulations on the launch 🙌🏼 How are you different from a job board?
Anton Astafurov
@dkhasanshin Hey, thank you! Well, we are not just here to fill in positions. We also improve employer brand and attract digital talents to web3 in general. There are jobs on our website, but we give our clients and customers much more.
Fedor Tormosov
@dkhasanshin Not an agency, but a community:) Trying to uberize recruitment!
Looks very nice! Good luck guys!
Anton Astafurov
@raman_volkau hey, thanks! let's make the transition into the web3 world easier :)
George Lobushkin
Hey! Congrats! Are there any Web3 mechanics in your product? Or it is only web2 product for web3 companies?
Anton Astafurov
@george_lobushkin hey George, thank you! Yeah, we're developing several web3 features now: first of all, companies often use cryptocurrencies to pay bonuses for successful recommendations. Secondly, as @anton_fateev stated, we're building our own HRtech&Edutech Metaverse. And finally, we're building a community of handshakers with exclusive rewards, including NFT. Stay tuned for more :)
Ryan Hoover
I'm very interested the rise of bounty programs and DAO-powered careers. Not to sound dismissive at all but is HUMANS simply a job board for web3 projects and roles? Curious if there are plans to be even more differentiated from traditional job boards and freelancing sites.
Simon Stern
@rrhoover not sure of the etiquette on sharing this here but I started putting together to track web3 bounties and grants :) Will upvote HUMANS as well to balance out my karma from sharing that here 🫣
Anton Fateev
@rrhoover definitely! we are actually building a metaverse (will be launching first version end of august/beginning of September) for candidates to discover web3 projects, socialize with their teams, attend their events and we are working on tokenizing the recommendation that could later be exchanged without even waiting if the candindate gets the job. Also looking to to add educational concepts for users to discover:) Today's Humans is really an mvp for us to get clients and start building a community!
Anton Fateev
@simistern thanks! and good luck with your project!
Polina Sycheva
🔥🔥🔥 Good luck!
Nikita Likhachev
First, congrats on the launch! Gorgeous set up. Next, questions: 1. You use Tether for bounty payouts in crypto — what are the fees here for you as a company? How you charge employers for listings or for the extra services on company pages, is there a commission? 2. The concept with crypto rewards (or could it be just fiat?) for crypto jobs recommendations is appealing. It looks just like a smart contract: if your recommendation flies, in 90 days you get a bounty. But could it go deeper? Recommending friends and peers to companies sounds more like investment, not a trade, so maybe there could be a model where 1% of job applicant salary goes to a friend who recommended him. That way everybody is more interested in a good match with a future.
Fedor Tormosov
@niketas Thank you for upvoting! 1. Our commission is 50% from handshaker's reward. And of course, we invite employers to create their own company page with us in order to develop their employer brand. You can read more about this by requesting our presentation here: 2. Of course it could be just fiat, it depends on the company. Thank you for great idea! We will discuss it in our team. And of course we are thinking about tokenyzing recommendation process.
Anastasia Zhbanova
Congratulations, guys! Great idea!
Anton Astafurov
@zhbanova_anastasia thank you! we'll do our best:)
Давыдов Евгений
Your product solves a large number of HR challenges for web3 companies. Good luck!
Anton Astafurov
@davydovjohn thanks! we'll keep adding more features and polishing existing ones to make the product even more helpful.
George Dementievskii
Congratulations on the launch! This looks pretty cool 🔥
Anton Astafurov
@george_dementievskii thanks a ton! (pun intended)
Stanley Satyukov
Wohoo, open gates for a new HRTech/EdTech Metaverse 🤘🏽
Anton Astafurov
@westyer yay, you SHALL pass!
Looks great. Congrats on the launch.
Anton Astafurov
@basharath we're glad you like it. Thanks!
Fedor Tormosov
@basharath Thank you so much for upvoting!
Marc Klochko
yay, finally! been waiting for you guys to launch for a while a question: how many of you are there in team? how many did you find thru networking?😺 curious to see how much of dog fooders are you guys haha
Anton Astafurov
@themitchq hey Marc and thank you! Great question: we're big fans of networking. Currently HUMANS is a team of 15, where 5-6 people were brought into with the power of networking :)
Oleg Zilberg
Good luck with the launch, guys! You are an amazing team, I love all your products and services ❤️
Anton Astafurov
@olegzilberg many thanks Oleg! thank you for the trust ❤️
Fedor Tormosov
@olegzilberg Oleg! Thank you!
Elizaveta Tsekhanovich
Looks great! Good luck 🔥
Sam Kamani
Well done Anton on the launch of your product. Love this community on Discord.
Anton Astafurov
@sam_kamani thanks Sam! looking forward to making this community even bigger!
Aleksandr Mikhedov
Nice design!
Fedor Tormosov
@19_84 Thanks to our Product Designer Dan!