I'm a notepad-first kind of gal.
I used to check slack / email first but found that it makes me feel a bit anxious. I start working on things that are urgent and non-important. When I start working in my PJs it only goes down from there...
Using a notepad first helps me have a more enjoyable, intentional, and productive day.
I write down -
If I do this *one thing* today then the day is a success. Then I can keep anchoring to that as I choose where to spend my time during the day.
In addition to the *one thing* approach, I like to do brain-dumps of other todos and things I don't have clarity on. I do this with a "todo sometime" list (some of these I'll end up doing, some I'll never do) - but it lets me get it out of my head. And for brain-dumps on topics I'm worried or unclear about, writing free-form helps me arrive at clarity / calm.
What do you write in your OneNote?
@stash_new that an interesting approach. I may try something similar, I would need to make things a little more granular to get it to work.
I have been working on copywriting over the last few weeks (but it feels like a lifetime). I find I do a better job first thing in the morning.
@atticusli don't worry we have all been there at one point.
We tried paying for adverts on there last year to see if it was a platform to recommend to clients and it was a total flop. So I decided to get involved and figure out why we were so crap. 15k plus Karma later, I now know why our ads were hated, just because it was an ad. lol.
@atticusli haha guilty here, I really love to read random stories on reddit but my morning routine usually begins with checking my email to see if there are any urgent messages. After that, I dive into my task manager app to plan out my day.
Calendar - set alarms for appointments (because I need reminded lol)
Whatsapp/slack - check in with our team & portfolio founders
Notion - check to-do's (green-important/amber-not immediate/red-if I have time)
LinkedIN - respond to inbox/engage/create/network
PH - check out awesome launches to support
Email - check enquires/respond/send
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