LogRocket Live - Understand user problems without back-and-forth
When users report bugs or ask for help, it can be tricky to figure out what actually happened. LogRocket Live lets you see live video of what the user did, along with console logs, network requests and metadata, letting you quickly solve support tickets and make your users happier.
This is the dream for anyone doing web dev, from a solo engineer to a giant team. Can't imagine how much time I've wasted trying to piece together (or replicate) what the user saw. Super excited to be able to have this integrated with realtime user feedback!
Pros:Amazingly quick triaging, without having to dig around in bug reporting tools to mentally replay the experience.
Cons:No integration with what happened server-side (yet!) - would be useful to see the whole picture in one place.
This app is a developers/UX designer's dream. No more guessing if your features work, or annoying and time consuming in-person interface review sessions. Just look at real people interacting with your product, it's the best!
Also, the replay functionality is like magic. It shows exactly what the user saw, including browser errors. This has already helped me debug issues that I never would have been able to reproduce otherwise (like a weird edge case where React wasn't picking up on IE autocompletion, reverting the changes on blur).
Pros:Replay functionality is like magic. It shows exactly what the user saw, with a console next to it.
Cons:Interface can be improved, and loads a bit slow.
How to Invest like a VC
LogRocket's awesome. They keep adding new features that make understanding custom actions easier and easier.
Pros:It's a really useful way to get an understanding of what people are doing on the site
Cons:Not sure
I've also used Jaco and found LogRocket to be better for troubleshooting React app issues due to their tight Redux integration. Very nice and priced appropriately.
Pros:Great live-stream of historical activity with nice React / Redux integration
Cons:Notifications of exceptions would be nice.. maybe a bug tracking feature.
We've been using LogRocket for a couple of months now, since we first discovered it through one of their blog posts about debugging React/Redux apps. I can confidently tell you that LogRocket has established itself as one of the coolest, most useful tools in our belts.
The whole team loves LogRocket, both our developers and our product managers. The developers favor the detailed logging and inspection features, while our product managers are into the detailed session filters, time-on-page and other trend reports, and UX helpers like the "Rage Click" highlighter LogRocket provides on session timelines.
Within our first week of using LogRocket, we found some absolutely fascinating insights into a few small UX issues with a new product. I don't think we would have quickly, if ever, have found those issues without LogRocket's help.
Our team has also been in contact with the co-founders of LogRocket, and got the opportunity to sit down for a (quite long) meeting, where they gave us a ton of info and listened intently to our feedback. In fact, they literally released a beta feature based in part on some of our ideas within a week of our call. The dev and support teams at LogRocket are on point, and they have been very responsive to our questions and needs.
Overall, I can't recommend LogRocket highly enough for anyone looking for this kind of bug replay solution. The features, integrations, and customer service are outstanding.
Pros:Incredibly useful live and historical recordings, React, Redux, MobX, and more integrations. Fantastic for both devs and product managers.
Cons:I can't think of any.