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Nicolas Grenié

MailClark - The Slack bot for external communications

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Nicolas Grenié
Mailclark was a hit at Websummit 2016. 👍 It was my favorite choice among all the bots/slack integrations I saw there. In just a few minutes you can set up an email address for a channel on your slack team. I've started using it for our helpdesk, redirecting all of our support@ emails to Mailclark. The support team just has to monitor #support channel and can reply to customers directly in Slack. It increased productivity and reactivity of our support team 😃 Give it a try!
Antoine Lefeuvre
Hi everyone! A big thanks to Nicolas for hunting us! Thanks to Slack, internal emails are a thing of the past. But when it comes to external communications, you probably spend your day switching back & forth between Slack & your mailer. With MailClark, you can move your team inboxes—e.g. sales@, jobs@, 💁—into a space actually made for real-time collaboration: in Slack! MailClark is actually the successor to launched on PH about a year ago. Since then, we have relentlessly redesigned the experience, processed millions of emails and talked to thousands of users to make Slack + MailClark the perfect combo for internal + external communications. All this hard work got us featured in Slack App Directory's Top Apps and today MailClark is used by over 5000 teams. To set up an inbox in Slack, just follow these few easy steps 🎁 We offer 2 months totally free to the Product Hunt community (code PH2016) To discover what brought us to bridge the divide between Slack & email, read our story on Medium And if you're thinking that there's more to external communications than just emails, don't worry - we agree! MailClark will soon be handling tweets too, but—shhhhhh...—we're saving this for another campaign 😉 We'll be here all day in the comments, we'd love to have your feedback 😄 Anthony, Antoine, Gilles, Julian, Floriane, Jack & Clark P.S. Since Nicolas mentioned we were at Web Summit, look how pretty we were in Lisbon.
Christophe Ribeiro
MailClark is one of my favorite and useful Slack integration. Well done guys :)
Antoine Lefeuvre
@chrissom_ Thank you so much, Christophe, I'm really glad you like our bot 😂
PE Lieb
Well done guys, also discovered this wonderful team during the Web Summit 2016, best of luck ! 😃
Antoine Lefeuvre
@pedward_lieb Many cool bots/AI startups at Web Summit, great event, great networking. Thank you for your comment!
Romain Serman
Not surprised MailClark is a hit. Awesome team, great product that solves a real painpoint, smooth integration in Slack. Congrats guys, two thumbs up !!!
Julian Espérat
@romain_serman We're really happy that you're enjoying our service so much. You kind words go straight into our hearts 👍 👍
Kestutis B
I am a MailClark user more than 2 months. Awesome service!
Julian Espérat
@kestutisbalt Hello Kestutis, thank you very much for you comment! 🙌
Nicolas Le Roux
I also discovered Mailclark at Web Summit 2016. Really cool product, congratulations guys!
Antoine Lefeuvre
@nico_lrx Many thanks for your kind words, Nicolas!
Ivan Iliev
I've been using mailclark for a few months now to answer all support emails. Works like a charm! Keep it up guys 😎👍🏻
Antoine Lefeuvre
@ivanstiliev That's great to hear, Ivan! Many thanks for your support 😸
Great team & simple integration. Thanks for the 2 free months!
Antoine Lefeuvre
@gcambefort Cheers Geoffrey 👍
HipChat coming? For non profits, Slack is out of reach with only 10 integrations on free tier. HipChat compared has unlimited integrations on HipChat free tier.
Antoine Lefeuvre
@androidlove Interesting feedback, thanks Carlos. We're amongst the 150 integrations that will launch with Microsoft Teams in January. We'll keep adding more platforms in 2017. HipChat is definitely an option. The Atlassian team paid us a visit at our stand at Web Summit, they also want to bring more bots to their platform.
Julian Espérat
@androidlove Slack do have non-profit offers, you should check it out if you're interested:
Ömer Akyürek
Love it!
Antoine Lefeuvre
@oemerax I'm glad you do, thank you Ömer!
Vicki Tianyu Zhou
Mailclark is our most frequently used and must-have integration!
Antoine Lefeuvre
@vickiz This is great to hear 😊 Many thanks Vicki!
James Hunt
Added Mailclark to a community team I run last week, an easy way to get email piped in without having to pay Slack to upgrade your team. Thanks guys!
Antoine Lefeuvre
@thetwopct Cheers James! Acutally, many Slack communities use MailClark—especially the email group feature—to keep people ine the loop.
Do you know if there will be free tiers for Microsoft Teams? Also thank you for the reply and great product.
Antoine Lefeuvre
@androidlove The information we have make no mention of a freemium model for Microsoft Teams. It's all linked to Office 365 subscriptions. Thank you for your comment 😄
Jacques H. Bastien
What happens if you're already a paid MailClark subscriber? (regarding the 2 months free)
Antoine Lefeuvre
@jacqueshbastien I'm sure there's something we can do ;) We'll send a DM in Slack. Thanks again for upgrading to a paid account 👍