Merge Integrations Management - Gain full control and visibility over your integrations
Integrations Management is a powerful, comprehensive set of features that gives you full control and visibility over your customers’ integrations to ensure they are reliable. Effortlessly identify and resolve customer set-up errors. Try Merge for free!
Merge for Startups - Add product integrations quickly at our new startup pricing
Let Merge handle building and maintaining your product integrations, freeing your developers to focus on what's important: your core product. Take advantage of our new discounted start-up pricing and find a plan tailored to your needs.
Merge - One API for project management and ticketing integrations
Merge is a Unified API for all customer-facing B2B integrations.Today, we release our Unified Ticketing API. Access 10+ integrations for project management and ticketing platforms in a single build. Make integrations your competitive edge at