Mimo 3.0 - Learn to Code on iOS & Android 📱
Join more than 2 million learners: learn to code, make apps/games/websites, automate your life, and much more – no matter how much experience and time you have! Mimo creates a personalized learning path of fun and effective exercises, projects, and challenges that fits into your daily routine and keeps you motivated.
The so-long-ago predecessor of Mimo, Swifty, was a nice little tool to get basically acquainted with the syntax of the Swift programming language. It cost around 3 bucks and introduced you to the very foundations of Swift in a funny, amicable way, through multiple choice questions. I assume, the targeted audience were developers who just wanted to get an initial sense for the language (below the - already low - effort to read and practically follow books like "Seven Languages in Seven Weeks" from pragprog.com).
Three years later: The Mimohello GmbH got founded and, boy, they got greedy: Following exactly the same concept, they ask you to leave from 60,- to up to 120,- $/year for their offering.
Those guys claim to learn you code. And they get featured by Apple. So it's a good deal - pay even 120,- $ and you'll become able to code, right?
To be able to code you need much more than tapping on a mobile device filling out multiple choice/gap questions. You need to master the entire toolchain of your language/technology ecosystem: From a text editor or IDE like XCode for Swift over a build and packaging system like Gradle/Maven for Java/Kotlin or Yeoman for Node.js - coding means you get enabled to finally run an application on the targeted system.
Mimo will NOT enable you to do this.
(This said by an individual with over 30ys of programming practice, running a daily code kata, trying to learn a new programming language every year).
Compared to other offerings (free: iTunesU course, Apple's Swift Playgrounds, code.org, coursera.org, khanacademy.org, codecombat.com, freecodecamp.org - paid: safaribooksonline.com, teamtreehouse.com, raywenderlich.com, udemy.com, udacity.com) which all help you get enabled coding, Mimo - also in the now tested version 3.0 - leaves the impression of a false, fully overpriced promise.
To me, it feels like somebody selling you a Bobby Car (for the price of a Tesla) with the promise you'll get your driving license through it.
Better alternative IMHO: Lrn app.
Pros:Nice UI
Cons:Action faking vs. action making - price-value
Whoever writes the content must be pretty amazing people.
Pros:It is the best way to learn to code in the entire universe! I love the iOS app and can't believe they just launched on Android.
Cons:The biggest con is that my girlfriend gets mad at me when I spend too much time learning to code.
Baron Fig