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Trishul Goel

Multicopy - Copy multiple things and paste any from right click menu


Multicopy is a usability browser extension both for Chrome and Firefox, which lets you to copy multiple texts and avails them in right click menu. Paste any of the text in any input field.

To Copy: Right click on selected text -> Multicopy -> Copy this!

To Paste: Right click on text area -> Multicopy -> Select the entry

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Trishul Goel
For all the lazy people out there who are tired of copy pasting multiple things one by one.
Ryan Hoover
@trishul not lazy. Efficient! 😃
Aaron O'Leary
Not all heroes wear capes.....
This is great but isn't there a way this could work with keyboard shortcuts itself?
Jasper van der Meij
@srijancse Try Alfred (OSX) and you have both keyboard shortcuts, and a system wide use.
Colin Boyd
I was talking to my wife about this very function 2 nights ago, there used to something in one of the Windows packages that did this, plugin added, will give it a try
Nurullah Bingöl
Excellent ! can we see what we've copied with this plugin in the past?
Trishul Goel
@nurullah_bingol Everything you copied is available in extension options, you can also remove them (one by one or all together, see screenshot 3 😉)
Akshay Moorthy
Super efficient much needed add-on which no one thought of for a long time.
Krishna De
@trishul What a great idea. I just tested on Firefox on desktop and found that it worked fine when looking to paste for example on this page but not when trying to add information to Office 365 calendar as an entry or to Notepad? and CTRL V did not work either as per the guidance on your FF Addon description?
Trishul Goel
@krishnade Addon has control only over browser not outside :) Ctrl+V was for some special cases in browser such as Facebook post where right click doesn't paste in Textbox. Having said that, there can be a workaround, its a bit tricky, first of all, Firefox version should be >= 63, then you need to right click anywhere on Firefox visible screen and click the text you want to paste, at that moment its copied to clipboard and now you can paste in any app office 365 calendar, notepad or anywhere.
Krishna De
@trishul Thanks - I am on FF 64.0 - i managed to get that to work though only one line at a time?
Trishul Goel
@krishnade Welcome! Also as I said before, this is browser addon and is limited to browser :)
Valentin D