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Raz Karmi

Prisma Labs - Build more Intelligent apps with the power of deep learning


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Erick Barron
I didn't see any price anywhere.
Alexey Moiseenkov
Hi Product Hunters! We are at Prisma Labs want to share our tech with a companies and products around the world and open our SDK&API(object recognition, segmentation and style transfer) for every business. Moreover soon we will offer you an ability to work with neural nets themselves. More about platform you can always read on the site. Discount for Product Hunters ;)
Steven Rueter
Step 1: be the first to build a revolutionary consumer-facing app to show off your awesome new technology and get millions of people to download it and a bunch of other companies to imitate you. Step 2: turn around and make that tech available to developers for them to apply in their own apps. Although it probably wasn't the idea off the bat, it's an ingenious example of how to go from product to business. Awesome @yandex
Jijo John
But what I don't understand is they don't own any of the technologies at all. Prisma was from a research paper and the code they used was from a tweaked open source project published in the github. How can you sell it when it's already there published for free in github .
H.a.w.k P.h.i.l
@jijo_john Can you elaborate more on the sources? Especially the Github repo
Mohammed Rafy
The Hype now is not what it was before. RIP Prisma However, great work with these things to support the developer community as a whole.
Ryan Hoover
@darkolorin / @usoltt – other than yourself, who's using your API's/SDK today? I'm curious what use cases will emerge.
Kyle Stratis
@darkolorin @usoltt @rrhoover I'm writing them now for a quote, will be useful for NASDANQ (meme trading platform) now and other platforms we are building in the coming months.
David McGraw
As one who builds a lot of photo/video apps on iOS, this should be incredibly useful! Great job to the team @ Prisma.
Dre Durr💡
I still enjoy this Prisma a ton! Dope
I wonder what percentage of people on ProductHunt are this degree of technical / CTOs?
Michelle Grant
I am thrilled with the Prisma and I think you do the cool thing, guys, that open your SDK&API for every business. It could be very useful and produce magnificent results.
Dima Braven
I really love and adore Prisma Labs but now I'm disappointed how landing page changed. The new design is really bad, all details from trivial background to typography wish to leave the best. I want to believe that I don't think alone in this.
Will Manidis
How do we get our hands on this? Very interested but can't find information on pricing or access.
Neil Jain
This is great. Similar to what Aviary did (pre Adobe acq days) Niece will go crazy with this SDK when it's avail. Best of luck.
I would really like some sort of subscription "Prisma Professional" premium service. Would like to be able to work with big files, etc. Maybe an Electron app (including a Linux version) would make sense? Prisma is potentially pretty darn useful to web designers for thumbnails and hero images and such. A basic Prisma-powered desktop image editor would be welcome.
Tamal Sen
How do you price @Alexey. Also, a benchmarking against Tensorflow and other technologies would help me decide which one to choose.