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Chris Messina

Shipright - Track product feedback in one organized place


A lightweight tool for tracking product feedback (e.g. requests, needs). Anyone in the company is able to submit feedback in seconds, and will stay in the loop on what happens with it. See what matters most to what customers, and inform your product decisions.

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Frank Lagendijk
πŸ‘‹ Hey everyone! First off, thanks @chrismessina for hunting us! πŸ™ We’re stoked to be launching Shipright here on Product Hunt! As a team of product enthusiasts, we’ve been running a small product agency over the past years. In the hand full of companies we’d seen, they struggled tracking and acting upon their customers' and users' needs effectively. A lot of chats later, with amazing SaaS companies from all over the world, we found some interesting inefficiencies: - Product feedback scattered across (customer-facing) teams & tools they use - Ineffective process of logging feedback for the product team(s) by customer-facing team members (too much effort needed, disrupting their workflow) - Customer-facing folks and customers feeling left in the dark on feedback they once submitted - No easy way to get a holistic view upon what needs / requests / pain points matter most to what type of customers, to help product & engineering teams inform product decisions We were stoked about the opportunities. With this lightweight version of Shipright, we’re making a first step in helping product managers/teams get one organized place for a pulse on what requests/needs/pain points matter most to what customers and why. At the same time, we’ll help customer-facing team members (or anyone in the company) log product feedback faster, while keeping them in the loop on what happens with that feedback automatically. Sign up now to give it a free try, we’d love to get your feedback! Bonus: the first 25 customers via PH get 25% off for a full year with the discount code EARLY-BIRD-25 πŸŽ‰ Read more about why we started building Shipright in the Medium article ☝️
Kasia Zalewska

Shipright is a really great product for tracking customer feedback. It helps various teams across the whole company cooperate and it makes us more effective. It's also really convenient for customer support team members - adding a quote to Shipright doesn't even require opening Shipright so it saves a lot of time. I'm a huge fan of this tool, as well as the whole team behind it - always helpful, open for feedback and conversation. Honestly, after using it, I can't imagine a better way to gather feedback (and I've tried many...).


Chrome extension and the extremely helpful Shipright team make using this tool smooth and time-saving.


I don't see any, whenever I have a problem, it's quickly solved. :)

Frank Lagendijk
Thanks Kate! Really appreciate the kind words and your willingness to provide us with feedback and input! πŸ™
Gino Mangnoesing
Thanks for your kind words! And for your valuable feedback throughout the year πŸ™
Olivier Paling

Overall big thumbs-up to the highly involved user driven product team from Shipright Keep up the good work! πŸ’ͺ


Integrates nicely in workflow, one place for ALL feedback, updates all stakeholders and helps to generate a nice holistic overview.


SSO but already on the roadmap!

Frank Lagendijk
Thanks for the kind words Olivier πŸ™
Steven Aanen
Really appreciate your support and feedback Olivier! You've been there pretty much from the start πŸ˜„
Anne-Charlotte Lazou
Very Helpful Tool ! Thank you !
Frank Lagendijk
@eulerr thanks! πŸ™
Caner Uguz

For accuracy: I used the product for 5 months but the review has either 1 month or 1 year to choose from.


Their focus on qualitative data is immensely useful. Currently it's one of the best ways to collect user feedback and organize it.


The qualitative text analysis is not very strong yet but it seems to be getting better.

Steven Aanen
Thanks for your honest review Caner! Appreciate it
Thomas van Dongen
Looks awesome! super sleek design. Just started using it and already getting value out of it, really helps streamline my workflow.
Frank Lagendijk
@tvdongen happy to hear that Thomas!
Ben Fisher

I was an early user Shipright user and blown away by the team's talent & product sense.


A lightweight UI/UX that gets out of the way, so you can work FAST!


Support outside of the browser

Gino Mangnoesing
Thanks a lot Ben! πŸ™
George Ankomah
Awesome tool, that helps product teams go forward, made by a very product (& customer) oriented team!
Gaby Verwegen

Frank and his team are amazing to work with. Not only are they professional, they're young and agile as well.


Fast developing tool to document user feedback and share with an entire team working on it.


They're quick with feedback and do user testing regularly, so if there is anything to be improved they already know how to handle that!

Sara Stanulewicz

The product is truly great and The Shipright team is always willing to help in case of any difficulties. I would recommend it to everyone


* The product is very intuitive * The Shipright extension makes collecting notes extremely easy


I don't see any better alternative, Shipright made collecting feedback very intuitive and enjoyable

Anna Kocsis

Love the Chrome extension, it's super helpful.


Amazing software for gathering feedback all across the board.


Just keep developing the product, I think it's going in a great direction.

Steven Aanen
πŸ™ thanks a lot Anna!

I'm looking forward to new features this year to support B2B products even better (like grouping customers by company and getting company level roll ups)


Frank and the team are dedicated to creating the best feedback capture tool. Love the Intercom integration and the web clipper.


None to speak of

Frank Lagendijk
Thanks a lot for the kind words Ben! Grouping customers by company and doing a company level roll up for your insights is actually possible :) Happy to help out through in-app chat / mail!
Elmer Bulthuis

Shipright helps structure the chaos that user feedback is by doing just enough!


Love the simplicity, and speed. Very well made.


Would love to use it on my phone!

Frank Lagendijk
Thanks Elmer πŸ™
Cameron Wiese

When I was at Superhuman running growth and delight, we used an in-house version of Shipright to track, review, and follow up on every bit of feedback we got from customers. For anyone looking to build a customer focused brand (and more importantly evangelism), Shipright is a great place to start.


It's a clean and simple way to build a product your customer actually want to pay you for


No superhuman integration ;)

Sammy Schuckert

Integration with Drift would be nice.


Brings everyone on your team on the same page what the latest customer feedback is. Makes user-focused product development a team sport.


Nothing so far.

Steven Aanen
Thanks for your review Sammy! Drift integration is noted πŸ‘πŸ½
Rik Achterberg

Very excited to see what's next.


Getting insights out of notes, tickets, emails, conversations is challenging. Shipright helps create order in chaos. Worth it to check out.


No alternatives come to mind, especially not focussed on this challenge as much as Shipright is.

Andy Hoek
Very interesting! Any integrations on the roadmap, for example with Salesforce or Hubspot?
Frank Lagendijk
@andyhoek Thanks! Yes, for now, customer meta data can only be synced and used for segmentation by integrating with Intercom. I don't have a precise timeline for you regarding SalesForce & Hubspot. It'll be a bit more mid-term, after Q3 at least.