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Suraj Keshri

Kollate - Bookmarking and note taking. For free.


Kollate is a bookmarking and note taking tool. Think of it as a much better version of Pocket, Evernote, and Google Keep combined. This is the last personal knowledge management tool you will ever need. For free.

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Can't get it to save any articles. Using on Chrome. Also, the Chrome extension does nothing. No way to contact them.
Suraj Keshri
@joninsley Thank you! It is a very strange bug specific to this website that I just figured out. I will fix it by the end of the day today. In the mean time, it should work on other sites.
Gabe O'Leary
This looks cool and useful. One question, when writing notes why require users to explicitly save? With everything on the cloud these days I feel like most services have moved away from this, and it opens up the potential for lost work if a user forgets...
Suraj Keshri
@golear Thanks Gabe! The note does autosave every 15 seconds. Also, if you close the note without saving, it will autosave before closing (unless there is a bug!). Please let me know if didn't save it for you. Thanks again, really appreciate the feedback!
Gabe O'Leary
@quantdaddy gotcha, that is nice. This begs the question of why there is a save button featured so prominently if it's not necessary? I think this will confuse users (as it did to me).
Suraj Keshri
@golear That's a good point. I'll do something about it in the next update. Thank you!
Looks cool... but I don't see how it can help me for now except for the daily diary and possibly as an in-house tool for planning and researching marketing campaign elements. I'd like to be able to collaborate or add a note to a bookmark to I can remember why I bookmarked it in the first place. The trick that OneNote does when you paste something from a website, email where it auto-pastes the link where it came from would be a super cool addition.
Suraj Keshri
@alorrinda You can add comments/notes to your bookmark. Please see the instructions here:
@quantdaddy - thanks! ...that worked beautifully. Hey can I only upload an image or add with a URL right... and not just paste the image itself right? I'm sure there a probably tuts I can go and watch... but ... Anothing thing... what should happen when I do the extension screenshot? Should cross hairs come up to select something? Nothing is happening.
Suraj Keshri
@alorrinda I just made a video for screenshot:
@quantdaddy - perfect! ... THANKS - it totally wasn't giving me the cross hairs before. I can see this very very useful for my swipe file notebook!
Suraj Keshri
@alorrinda Yay!! awesome!
Ruslan Leite

Exactly what I need to organise my reading list


Reading statuses and priorities. The design is pretty.


Lack of mobile applications and new tab extension would be useful

Great application and very useful. I wish if it could be a standalone mobile app like Evernote and Keep.
Suraj Keshri
@mikhilpal Thank you Mikhil! I do have plans to work on the mobile version soon. Please let me know if you have any feedback or see any bugs. Cheers.
Alexey Chernov
How to import my notes from Evernote?
Suraj Keshri
@alexey_chernov1 Currently, there is no import feature built but the editor is smart enough to smart edit the pasted HTML content. So, for now, just copy paste from evernote. I know it's not scalable but I'm down to build an import feature in the future.
Adi Patil
@quantdaddy Very promising! I do have some feedback on the design front. How do I reach out to you? Thanks!
Suraj Keshri
@rove2mushin You will get my contact info in the welcome email when you sign up. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Rajat Patel
Hey! the tool looks nice and most of the things are working fine. Let me know if you need any design related suggestions. Would love to help as I am a fan of note taking apps.. 😁😁 (Don't worry, No charges, just help) ✌🏻✌🏻
Suraj Keshri
@rajatpatel2015 Thanks Rajat! Would really love to get any help. I'll send you a PM.
Cool.... but no collaboration or sharing features. I want to be able to share notebooks or collections with others.
Suraj Keshri
@aaron_via This feature would come soon! I wanted to release an MUP(Minimum Useful Product) asap.
Jake Tran
Great idea, have a great potential. Here are 3 abilities that I expect it can pull, and make me drop every other tools I am using right now: Web annotate (not just screenshot) + Best note-taking (I am using Bear and Notion right now) + Bookmarking ( And mobile and tablet version as well (since its note taking). I am keenly waiting :3
Savannah King Norton
This is amazing and fast and I love it. How do I give you money or feedback?
Suraj Keshri
@savannah_king_norton Thank you! It'd be great if you can share this with people who you think might be interested in this! Also, please free to email me for any feedback: my email info can be found on the welcome email from Kollate. Thanks again!
Suraj Keshri
Hey Product hunters, Please try out Kollate! I look forward to getting your feedback.
Curations Organization
@quantdaddy Suraj, great product! Sent you an email re: Brave Browser. Great stuff and I look forward to continue using.
Screenshots were so promising and then I read the privacy policy: "Your information, including Personal Data, may be transferred to – and maintained on – computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ from those of your jurisdiction." No thank you
Suraj Keshri
@cndyymn Since we are using cloud to store data, it's difficult to ensure that the data is stored in a particular zone/country. For now, all of our data is stored in a data center in the US. Hope you'd still find the app useful.
Lionel David
canΒ΄t wait to try it, will be an addon for Microsoft team available?
Zachary Reese

No clear model for monitization (the front page even says "Kollate has you covered. For free.") which makes me wonder what they're getting out of me.


Neat concept, sort of? Evernote, Keep, and Pocket certainly aren't without their flaws.


It's Evernote, Keep, and Pocket rolled into one, but doesn't offer a mobile app and the browser extension doesn't appear to work.

Suraj Keshri
Thank you for writing the review. Can you give me more details about the bug? May be make a loom video of the extension not working? Would really like to fix it if it's a bug.
How about allowing user's to tag their notes ? otherwise bookmarking on the fly is very confusing
Suraj Keshri
@furziadmi You can tag notes just like bookmarks. I'm working on making notes and bookmarks search by tag easier.
Savannah King Norton
This is a ridiculously good app. I hope you bring it to mobile someday, I would definitely pay money for a PWA or android app.
Savannah King Norton
I've been using this since it was released and I must say I love the feature set and notebook + 'resource' organization of the tool. It's similar to Notion but with a much better interface and a set of features that makes more sense for an individual. I've never found revisiting my notes and bookmarks so appealing!! I really hope a mobile version, at least a web app, is on the way.
Suraj Keshri
@savannah_king_norton thank you so much!
Hello @quantdaddy when are we getting a mobile app, because this app is the bomb?