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Jonno Riekwel

Surveybot - Chat bot surveys on Facebook Messenger.

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First off thanks @jonnotie for hunting us! It’s my first time launching a product on Product Hunt so I’m really excited to be here! There’s a number of obvious benefits that come from chat bots but one that really stuck out to me was their ability to capture feedback and content. This is what sparked the idea for Surveybot just over a year ago. Although the initial launch of Facebook’s chatbot platform didn’t have all the features necessary to do complete surveys with it was a start. Fast forward to today Facebook has continued to innovate and listen to their community and we have Surveybot beta. Surveybot enables you to create your own chat bot surveys simply by creating a survey. Once you’ve created a survey you can connect it to your own Facebook page or use our own Surveybot page. Then you can capture responses using campaigns that enable you to distribute your surveys over Facebook as posts and ads, Messenger by directly sending, or using unique links. As respondents answer surveys using Messenger you can grow your panels of subscribers.. We’ve been running an alpha of our product for a while and now have over 900 sign ups with a nice active user base to get us off the ground. With the launch of our beta we’re introducing our paid plans, but we also have a FREE tier that you can use forever without any cost. We have a special offer for the Product Hunt community today with 30% off all of our plans for the first 12 months. All you have to do is use the code HUNT when paying. I’ll be here all day to answer any of your questions so feel free to give your feedback!
Stef Nimmegeers
Hi Liam! Congrats on the launch. Could you define what you mean by 'panel members'? Is it that just the number of participants that you can retarget? Thanks!
@nimmegeersstef Thanks Stef. Yes that is correct! As respondents answer your surveys they'll subscribe to your "panel" and essentially be retargeted in future with more surveys if you choose. You can also segment your panel when you do this based on the member attributes or answers to previous questions.
Caspar GvO
This sounds phenomenal and I hope to try it soon. Does it work in German as well?
@caspargvo Hi Caspar, yes it does! Although we don't do any translations ourselves we give you the option to enter all your own content to power your surveys. Obviously you'll be writing your own questions but for other things like error messages etc. you have the option to enter your own content as well!