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Georgina Healey

Synap - Scalable, secure and seamless online exams


Revolutionise exams with Synap: the B2B online platform for practice, assessments, and certified exams. Extensive question banks, custom settings, secure proctoring. Mark attempts, gain insights. Showcase your brand with white labelling.

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Georgina Healey
šŸŒŸ Welcome to the new and improved Synap! šŸŒŸ Key Features: āœ… All-in-one platform for practice tests, assessments, and certified exams āœ… Extensive question banks made from a wide range of question types and customisable settings for tailored assessments āœ… Analytics dashboards for in-depth insights āœ… Secure proctoring to ensure integrity and authenticity Who it's for: šŸŽÆ Ideal for organizations of all sizes, from start-ups to global enterprises šŸŽÆ Perfect for training programs, educational courses, and skill assessments šŸŽÆ Any organisation seeking efficient and reliable exam solutions Our Story: šŸ“š Synap has come a long way since our last update in 2017. We've transformed into an award-winning B2B online learning platform, empowering businesses, institutions, and organisations to deliver online exams. We're committed to revolutionising the exam experience worldwide. Our Goals: šŸŽÆ Our aim is to become the go-to platform for easy-to-set up, customisable, and secure assessments. We'd love to hear from you: šŸ”” We're eager to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas. Help us shape the future of Synap by sharing your valuable feedback below! šŸ‘‡ šŸŒ Explore more on our website: šŸ“ø Check out our product visuals and videos to discover the new Synap! šŸ‘€