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Josh Fechter

BAMF BIBLE 2018 - Top growth hacks used in 2018 (Updated for 2019)

THE BAMF BIBLE 2018 is a compilation of the best growth hacks from the hundreds we ran in the last twelve months - all of which still work today.

This is the complete recipe book of growth hacks (400 pages of how-to tactics). Please note that it does require a Messenger optin (that means you need to turn your Adblock off)

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Vivan Jayant
The distribution model is super dodgy. You have to connect to Facebook messenger and then also give an email address which is never actually used in the process of sending you the book. EDIT: It also opts you in to the messenger subscription, in direct breach of the Facebook usage guidelines. But, I guess, this is a "growth hack". EDIT2: I have absolutely no problem with asking for a messenger or email subscription, that is something completely normal and acceptable in marketing and is a great way for people who are interested to stay engaged with your brand. The difference here is that you do not ask for a messenger or email subscription. You tell people they can get the book by pressing that button, but don't tell them that it will also opt them in to a messenger subscription. And then you ask for an email to which you will send the book, but then don't actually send the book to that email. I assume you add that email to your mailing list given what you've said here. This is absolutely misleading. The user does not knowingly opt-in to these subscriptions, and you aren't told how to opt-out unless you read the book (yes, I did read it!). A simple disclaimer telling the user that by clicking the link they are subscribing to a messenger list would completely fix this.
Andreas Duess
@vivan Thank you for pointing this out. The entire "Growth Hack" industry is super dodgy. The breathless language and inflated promises are a direct copy of yesteryear's snake oil sales guys. I have no idea why anybody with even half a brain would fall for this BS. Go and take a 1st year marketing course at ANY reputable college and you'll learn everything that the "Growth Hackers" flog online from people who don't collect your personal information to sell to the highest bidder. Remember, if something is free, then YOU are the product. In the last couple of days, there's been an influx of these con artists into PH. Must be something in the water.
Danielle Sims
@vivan @andreasduess Wow. College? Seriously!? The best way to learn measurable quatifiable marketing is from those that are actually doing it! And doing it now! We don't need theory and college textbooks to determine results. If its a con to grow a highly engaged audience who has willing given their permission fast, creatively and effectively, then I want to hear more. If you are marketers, you should know nothing is truly free. Coupon much? Trial much? As for messenger opt in, the agreement is when you click on the send to messenger. That was your permission. Don't like it, don't click. Simple. You can opt out too. Facebook has that covered. What I say to anyone who is criticizing anyone that is doing something different and is too "smart" to learn from anyone because they know it all. PROVE IT. I'll be a spectator popping popcorn, while you show, tell and share.
Josh Fechter
@vivan I understand your concerns. The book took me about 1000 hours to put together in terms of research and case studies (please take a look - you'll see what I mean). I was hoping that asking for a Messenger and Email subscription wasn't that big of a deal, especially because I'm giving it away for free. Again, please just take a look at the book, I think you'll change your mind. All the best, Josh
Vivan Jayant
@joshuafechter I have been through the book - this isn't a comment on the quality of the book, the content there is irrelevant to the delivery. I have absolutely no problem with asking for a messenger or email subscription, that is something completely normal and acceptable in marketing and is a great way for people who are interested to stay engaged with your brand. The difference here is that you do not ask for a messenger or email subscription. You tell people they can get the book by pressing that button, but don't tell them that it will also opt them in to a messenger subscription. And then you ask for an email to which you will send the book, but then don't actually send the book to that email. I assume you add that email to your mailing list given what you've said here. This is absolutely misleading. The user does not knowingly opt-in to these subscriptions, and you aren't told how to opt-out unless you read the book (yes, I did read it!).
Josh Fechter
@vivan you read the entire 400-page technical marketing book in a quarter of a day? That's crazy fast. Not sure I know anyone else who could've read and processed all that info in that time. Congrats.
Josh Fechter
Hey everyone, I have spent the last couple of years creating one of the largest growth hacking communities, Badass Marketers & Founders (20,000+ members). This is a compilation of the best growth hacks from the hundreds we ran in 2018 - all of which still work today. This is the complete recipe book of growth hacks (400 pages of how-to tactics) -Facebook -Affiliate and referral -Events -LinkedIn -Quora -Backlinks -Instagram -Cold Email -PR Hacking -Product Hunt -Content Marketing -Growth Hacking Tools It's received excellent early feedback from many people we respect, and we hope you'll check it out. Please note that it does require a Messenger optin (that means you need to turn your Adblock off) *If - for some reason - the button doesn't work for you, please email* Thank you
Travis Page
@bamf @joshuafechter Your Facebook group is hands-down the most valuable group I've been in for years
Josh Fechter
@travispage Thanks Travis!
Josh Fechter
@kjosephabraham thanks man! Love the kind words :)
Igor Gorbenko

First they say they'll send it to messenger

Then you receive a message in messenger asking for your email address

Wouldn't be surprised to receive an email asking for my phone number


None so far


too much data to share for it

Ben Kazinik
Wow Igor, you're silly. Did you read the thing yet? Have you read their previous work? I read some of BAMF's blogs and they are absolutely spot on and stellar.
Josh Fechter
I will ask for you phone number too :) jk Hope you enjoy the read!
Any way to get this for the growing number of people who have removed themselves from FB and social media in general ?
Josh Fechter
@mickc79 a quarter of the book is on Facebook Growth Hacking so I'm not sure it's meant for you
@joshuafechter a quarter is only a quarter. A lot of the other stuff you mention in your intro seems extremely relevant. Especially the Quora stuff. I’m currently killing it on quora. Putting this out only via fb messenger seems pretty short sited.
Josh Fechter
@mickc79 Okay awesome - just email me at
Triantafyllakis Saki

I have been following Josh for the last 1 1/2 year and all these growth hacks have helped me generate more leads and sales and develop my B2B sales skills. I am so excited that I can use new ones and try and see what works best. This is a no-brainer for every sales professional.


All the latest hacks to grow and scale your business as fast as possible


Wish there were even more of those hacks! I am more focused on B2B sales so I would like even more use cases on that (Linkedin, Email, etc)

Alex Loukissas
It would be great if the product wasn't phishing for Facebook accounts by requiring Messenger.
Nachum Kligman
I have been in online marketing and Internet start-ups for more than 15 years. I have seen them all and learned from them all. Never have I seen someone rise up through the ranks as fast and as awesome as Josh. Besides being a super nice guy, one of the keys to his success is that he jsut constantly gives. And it's not like he gives a little and then asks you to pay for the good stuff, he gives you the Good Stuff! For free! All the time! He is a class act and his firm will be in the top 3 media firms in the next 2 years. Guaranteed!
Josh Fechter
@kligman Thanks Nachum!
Henning Sillerud
Is anybody else experiencing problems with downloading the book? I tried to connect with Messenger, but didn't receive a download link.
Henning Sillerud
There seems to be a bug in Safari that interferes with the download process, but it was able to get it using Chrome.
Is nobody creeped out by chapters with titles such as "how to get the personal emails of your competitor's Facebook group members"?
Ricardo Ghekiere

If you don't find at least 1 actionable item to implement in your marketing strategy, you probably didn't read it.


Get this ebook before your competitors do


none so far

Hunter McKinley

Josh has built his reputation on his ability to produce top tier growth hacks .

I highly recommend sharing with anyone who wants to grow their business!


Incredibly insightful



Braunson Yager
Sounds good but how do I get this? I see "Success! View it in Messenger" but then it just opens my messenger windows with my own messages? I tried clicking 'Get Started' with the Josh Fetcher user but it just says "This person isn't available right now"?
Josh Fechter
@braunshizzle Just replied via email
Philippe Trounev

Well I see this as a useful book and it's a big community surrounding it. Lot's of useful details. I went through the back it's a lot of really black hat dirty tactics, similar to his on boarding process. They are a decent marketing team thou, I can see the value of other companies hiring them to do the black hat stuff that they do...


It's a lot of useful information. Lot's of black-hat stuff thou.


Can't download the book. Have to literally email the guy.

Despina Exadaktylou

THE book to read in order to stay updated when it comes to growth hacking! Josh breaks the internet AGAIN!!!!


Excellent insights as always



Stefano Pisoni

Just read it and boost your marketing strategy.


Super! 397 Pages of pure value!



Shyam Prasad Reddy
If you are looking for some serious 'badass' growth hacks, this is the one! As always, Josh is the best!
Turgut Can K.

Read apply grow ;)


Your bed side bible for growth hacking :)


Well guess none


Be updated and be a bad*** marketer!


Best insights and hacks



Konstantyn Kononenko
Thanks for the great book, guys. I love it

You can still get amazing results with growth hacking tactics from last year's BAMF BIBLE.


Tons of Value for FREE!


Try to find one