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Chris Messina

The Unarchiver 4.0 - Open any archive in seconds


The Unarchiver is the only app you need to open RAR on Mac. It’s times more powerful than the native macOS utility and supports infinitely more archive formats.

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Chris Messina
Another one of those utilities I've used for ages and was getting stale. Nice to see that it'll continue being maintained by MacPaw.
Julia Petryk
@chrismessina it's definitely in great and loving hands :)
Bill Xiong
@chrismessina @ua_philka Surely you mean great and loving paws.
Binoy Xavier Joy
@chrismessina @ua_philka This and the AppCleaner app are among the first set of apps I download on any fresh macOS install these days. The latter being not updated and sporting an old UI, I was about to ping MacPaw to ask if they'd consider grabbing that app too. Then I discovered their CleanMyMac 3 already include such a feature 😛
Oleg Stukalenko
Hey everybody, @chrismessina, thanks for hunting The Unarchiver. It’s a big honor and responsibility for us to continue the development of a product with such history. While working on the update we tried to balance its qualities like speed and unobtrusiveness, but make it a little bit more modern. I am super excited to finally deliver a proper refresh for The Unarchiver. Hope you like the results and we’d be glad to hear from you.
@dc_devotion Congratulations on the launch! Is there any notable difference feature-wise between standalone and MAS? Other than seemingly needing to manually set via contextual menu for the MAS version.
Oleg Stukalenko
@onelargetea Thanks! Yep, you're right - MAS version requires you to do some manual work, otherwise they pretty much the same.
@chrismessina @dc_devotion I'm not quite sure what the UI refresh is, since I stopped using The Unarchiver long ago, but I would like to know what features will be added to make The Unarchiver stand out in the crowd again. Any planned support for contextual menu operation and/or services? Watch folders? Partial uncompression (so the zipped file won't be deleted when the archive is uncomplete)? Internal checks for malicious threats inside archives?
Oleg Stukalenko
@t55 Thanks for sharing your ideas and and we'd love to hear more on how you think The Unarchiver should be different. As of now we've been focusing on what The Unarchiver does best - being a single tool you need to open any archive hassle free.
@dc_devotion There's a couple of Mac tools that are great at that: open any archive hassle free. TU is free, so that's a definite plus, but an app like Keka has the same qualities, is extremely fast and compresses files too. The Unarchiver can use some of the playfulness of Gemini or Clean My Mac. That, and a bunch of new functionalities. Like the ones I mentioned above. Or something cool like remembering the password used to unlock the archive.
@dc_devotion congrats on launch!
Oleg Stukalenko
@_n1ks Thanks, man!
Awesome file unarchiver! Works very well!
Oleg Stukalenko
@mosrodofficial That's very kind of you! =)
Julia Petryk

I was sure that the Unarchiver is an in-built Mac app unless it was acquired by MacPaw. The new UI is much better. The Unarchiver can deal with any archives and its performance is impressive.


Intuitive and helpful.



Ghost Kitty
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Oleg Stukalenko
@stevenjames @metaword We're working on improving how The Unarchiver handles huge zips. I know it's a long shot, but I'd appreciate if you could email us some links to the files that you had trouble with.
Bogdan Slovyagin
@macpaw @dc_devotion Hi, unfortunately I cannot provide a link to that file I had trouble with. It was an archived backup (≈500GB) from Backblaze.
Oleg Stukalenko
@metaword The size is also helpful. Could you tell, at least roughly, the number of files inside of the archive and the biggest number of nested folders. That will help us build a test zip for the case =)
Bogdan Slovyagin
@dc_devotion Well, the idea is just to archive a whole root directory of an average Mac + external hard drive filled mostly with DNGs. You may try to do it with Backblaze to be more precise. Its speed is okay if using multiple threads both for upload and download (with their downloader app).
This is still a thing? Cool.