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Yeshwanth Reddy K

What's your biggest excuse to not start a Podcast or Blog?


This is for people who wanna start a blog or podcast but always find some excuse to defer it to a distant future. There are no options but some are 1. Lack of time 2. Lack of audience or fear of it 3. just shy 4. No one to start a podcast with 5. Any other reason

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Tyrone Robb
Mine was a lack of time. I have a lot less time now, so it was not wrong. We decided to launch it on PH with a newsletter. Is it worth it? Here is our latest episode.
Haris Morris
My imposter syndrome is a real beast! I worry my knowledge isn't deep enough to truly engage listeners on a podcast, and that my writing might not be captivating enough for a blog. Gotta conquer that voice in my head first.
Julia Watson
#1- lack of time
Aleksei Trudov
Losing focus on my main business
Ashley Garcia
For me, it's definitely the lack of time. Between work and personal commitments, it's hard to carve out dedicated hours for creating and editing content. Anyone else struggling with this? How do you manage to fit it all in?
Gurkaran Singh
Ah, the classic "I'll start a podcast or blog when the stars align" excuse! It's like waiting for all your apps to update simultaneously – sounds good in theory, but let's face it, it might just never happen!