Chris Messina

Supervalo. - An imaginary venture capital valuation game.


Made for VCs, Founders & anyone looking for fun in Venture Capital. Monthly, players pick up 4 startups & predict for each what they think the other players think its valuation is. Got it? It’s a mindset game! The closer your valuation, the higher you rank!

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Raph Grieco
👋 PH Community! Thank you so much @chrismessina for the hunt today, much appreciated! 🙏 Raph here from Supervalo, very excited to be here today and explain what we are looking to achieve with Supervalo! 💜 Our vision at Supervalo is to build through gamification the first Social Network where you learn about Venture Capital, build an investor reputation as an aspiring VC, discover startups as a VC, and become visible in a different manner as a Founder or as an Ecosystem. You can of course simply join for the fun part of it! 🎯 < What is Supervalo? > Supervalo is an Imaginary Venture Capital Valuation Game. Think: Fantasy League 🥇 not for Soccer but for Venture Capital. Players each month select up to 4 startups to build their imaginary portfolio. For each startup they add, players have to predict what they think the other players will predict this particular startup’s valuation is. Got it? Yes, it is a mastermind game 🧠 At the end of each month, players’ valuations startup by startup are compared and points given to those having predicted the average aggregate valuation predicted by all the other players. Meanwhile, throughout the month, players build their personal id card on Supervalo, connect to each other through the collective built-in chat and can submit and upvote other startups that are not yet on Supervalo. The most upvoted one will be added to the game the month after. We are actually still at Day 1 for Supervalo: many more gamification features in our roadmap to have fun while learning VC day after day (or, again, simply for the sake of playing)! Our current objective is to release one feature a month, so come build Supervalo with us. < Why are we making it? > We’ve been active since 2017 as a Venture Capital Education Platform in Western Europe through immersive events that gamify the fundraising process in order to help better raise as a Founder and better invest as an aspiring VC. A year back, we had been considering adding more gamification building blocks to our offering through online entertainment. Covid19 has accelerated our decision-making process to release this digital, educational VC Game, Supervalo. So here we are! You can help! 🙏 What do you think about Supervalo? 🚀 We’d love to get your comments and answer all your questions! Come build Supervalo with us. Raph.
Raph Grieco
Thank you @_saishrane for being an early player ! ;)
Prakhar Shivam
I'm very intrigued by the idea of gamified learning and education, that too for a simulated VC experiences and processes it involves. Just got into Beta, would love to see how this goes to the next level.
Raph Grieco
@prakharshivam we have a roadmap to ship really cool features, follow us and keep on playing Supervalo :)
Alexandre Durand-Chabert
Not only a game but a true way to learn the vc mindset from the very inside of it. Congrats Raphael Grieco you definitly master the thing ;-)
Raph Grieco
@durandchabert many thanks Alex for your support ;) True, this is our main objective, to learn the VC mindset while having fun ;)
Ankit Masand
Super fun way to learn! Good job guys!
Raph Grieco
Thank you @ankit_masand, let us know your feedback when you try Supervalo!
Zeynep Urgun
Looks fun!!! Tbh, there is A LOT of gamification already embedded to VC with ‘signals’, hyping, term sheet & val jiggery pokery. When compared with real economy... I find it sweetly sarcastic too. Congrats!!!!
Raph Grieco
Hi @zurgun, we share you pov and are building Supervalo with that in mind! Thank you for your support!
Alexia Charbonnier
Congratulations for this amazing project ! :D
Raph Grieco
Hey @alexia_charbonnier thank you! Hope to see you on Supervalo ;)
Raph Grieco
@alexia_charbonnier ahah, playing Supervalo by the pool sounds great too! ;)
Frédéric Ollier
Well designed and really useful. Worth using it
Raph Grieco
@frederic_ollier1 Thank you Fred!
Stéphane Paillard
Congrats for this awesome project!
Raph Grieco
@stephane_paillard thanks a million Stephane!
Alexis Leibbrandt
Will definitely try it out!
Raph Grieco
@alexis_leibbrandt So cool, let us know what you think!
Tom Mayr
Nice job, @rphgrc ! Looking forward to trying this out.
Raph Grieco
@tom_sebastian_mayr excellent Tom, looking forward to your comments!
christophe FONTENEAU
Raph Grieco
@christophe_fonteneau1 woo thanks for your ++ comment!
Olivier Laplace
A fun way to discover news startups for potential investments or collaboration. Keep on building the community !
Raph Grieco
@olivier_laplace thank you so much Olivier for your support ;)
Sylvain Ramousse
Excellent game, made by excellent guys, congrats ! 🙌
Raph Grieco
@sylvainramousse thank you your feedback means a lot to us!
Arman Anatürk
This looks great. I've been following Upcoming VC's development since they launched and can honestly say Raphael and his team have build an amazing community of VCs and investment enthusiasts, and constantly put out great products from their podcast to the meetups - I'm sure Supervalo will be awesome too
Raph Grieco
@armaneats thank you sooo much, I've always thought if there's a playbook to follow to build and engage a Community >> that would be that of Foodhack ! I mean it !
Adriana Freitas
Congrats It seems great I will try it!
Raph Grieco
@adrianafreitas thanks ! yes please do ! ;)
Julie Leroy
Congratulations Raphael for this project ! This game looks amazing ! I think it would be perfect for our aspiring VCs from our community ❤️
Raph Grieco
@julie_leroy thank you Julie! Looking forward to your comments when you start playing!
Can't wait to try the product! Congrats UpComing VC team, always impressed by your work!
Raph Grieco
@romain_torres1 thank you sooo much!
Florian Bersier
Great initiative and execution @rphgrc!
Raph Grieco
@florianbersier thank you for your support, really appreciated your feedback during the alpha!
Axel Sooriah
Congrats @rphgrc for an excellent way for aspiring VCs to learn "the game". I really like how you've addressed an important pain point in the market : so many juniors would like to pursue in career in VC and don't necessarily have a clear path to it> Supervalo is sure to make a big difference.
Raph Grieco
@axel_sooriah hey thank you so much, your input during the alpha was so valuable !
It's very interesting ! Congrats @rphgrc As a student looking to become a VC I would love to try this :D
Raph Grieco
@neervesh_ thank you and yes please join if you're an aspiring VC !
Axel Hutin
Congrat Raphael & great Idea ! It looks really user friendly ! 👏
Raph Grieco
@axel_hutin thanks so much for your comment! and let us know your feedback when trying Supervalo !