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Jackleen Maya

What is the Plant? - Plant identifier online powered by AI technology

Can not find out what sort of the plant is? Do not know the proper scientific name of the trees and flowers? Now you can try WhatisthePlant, the AI Plant identifier online tool.
Upload a plant picture and our system will tell you its name with the wiki page.

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Jackleen Maya
Hi, dear PH friends. This is Jackleen from WhatisthePlant. Thank you so much for using our WhatisthePlant. And I am so excited that we have launched our program on Product Hunt. πŸš€ Why build WhatisthePlant When I was young, I want to know the names of the plants, flowers, and trees that I have seen. However, it is dfficult and no one, including my parents can tell me their names. And that is why we create this online tool. I hope WhatisthePlant could help people recognize and identify the plants in pictures. show its name and introduction information. πŸš€ Unique features of WhatisthePlant 1. Recognize the plant in picture and identify what it is 2. Show its scientific name and brief introductions 3. Redirct you to the wikipedia page URL and you can discover more. πŸš€ How to use it 1. Upload a picture with a plant, flower or tree in it 2. Wait for a while when our system is analyzing the picture 3. Return the possible names, scores and brief introduction if we found from Wikipedia. πŸ‘‰πŸΌπŸ‘‰πŸΌ We also launch WhatistheAnimal, WhatisthePlace, WhatistheCurrency. You can find it on We can't wait to hear your feedback and suggestions below.πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»
Victor Sava
Very nice app for curious people :) Congrats!
Alice Rodgers
I Will take it with me next time going to the forest!)
Anupama Panchal
I need something like this regularly. Thanks for posting it. :)
Szymon Adamiak
Perfect for me, can't even distinguish between conifers and deciduous trees πŸ˜‚
Matthew Romanishin
Good job!
Natalie Karakina
Great tool! Do you know about Yandex as an alternative?
Jeremy Enzo
nice job. Great idea and it works
Girdharee Saran
congrats on the launch.
Jahanara Begum
Gaurav verma
I see a great use in Agriculture
Raphael Allstadt
My girlfriend needs this! :)
Nice tool. Very well PLANTed ;)
Sasha Briu
My favorite plant is mostera )) happy to grow it already 4 years.
Andrew Tsao
Incredible product! Tried it out and worked wonders. Such an exciting use case for using AI and something I definitely wish to have in my pocket at all times. Well done on launching this!
Mariana M.
A great AI tool, perfect for nature enthusiasts. If I may I have an idea about a new feature: Let's imagine this scenario: I go on a trip in a forest, I take pictures of plants. Back home, on my computer, I go to and instead of uploading one picture at a time I select a zip file with all pictures in it. whatistheplant displays all my pictures in a table/list format, one or more rows for each picture with plant name, description, link to Wikipedia. I may download the result set in a table format and voilΓ ! I have my digital herbarium.